this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

what's the verdict?

brother your map can be beaten in around

15 seconds

not a abd thing but in this case half the map is waiting to be unforzen

which is not great for the game design

idk why u added the lazer u dont need it

you can just go here off the start

map is not solo im sure somebody could tell you the command i dont remember it off the top of my head

i didnt use this half of the map at any point for my fin which is probably not great

personally i think it would be a decline but with solo trials idk how testers want it

doubt this is a release don't see this map bringing anything to the game

as i thought

heres how i beat the map for reference

in case you were wondering 🤪

sv_solo_server 1 😄

I don’t know server command

Write in map in server settings button , sv_solo_server 1


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