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Im Testing Your map

your looked other maps for creating ?

my oponion is ok mean its can be confirmed ''

Mahdi just entered the testing

finally new novice

Map feels really nice as both a speedrunning map and a novice map, with only a few exceptions

other than that I like the skips and the overall flow of the map 👍

ok i ran through the map twice and these are my thoughts

i did throw for that part but I could see how it might be a bit hard for a novice part. might want to take a tile of freeze away

I agree. the throw feels above the maps difficulty and hammerrun doesn't give you enough distance. using well timed hooks on the ground you can get enough speed barely but it feels above the skill required for the rest of the map

the idea of the part is that one person swings the other under the platform, then the other unfreezes with hammer or by dragging them in the unfreeze. The only reason it's a speedrun strat is because you are unfrozen while you still have the falling momentum, which allows you to swing to the left

I think for the most part the map is pretty balanced, there's nothing wrong with having one or two moves slightly outside the general difficulty, my main issue is the functionality of the part from a novice perspective

you just fall down

thats not a part imo

maybe it's just me but doing this the first time through i immediately went up through these one ways, which made it impossible for my dummy to get up through to the deep. while i was able to go back and redo the part, it felt a little unfair, especially since this drag is one of the hardest parts of the map. maybe you could add a way to go back down.

got you. i'm def looking from more of a novice perspective (as that's more or less my skill level) and yeah the part was lacking in being a part outside of speedrunning

in addition at this part the deep drag felt strange as it's not really a part? there are no obstacles or anything really which doesn't fit with the rest of the map imo

yeah that's why i think the part is harder to read, it's longer and a tad more faily. Easy fix, just add teleport that goes back

ok so this one isn't so big of a critique from me and likely more of a problem because i was playing with dummy. while you can build up speed from the previous part or throw this, if you shunk this by like 1 maybe 2 tiles it wouldn't be as confusing/out of place difficulty wise as you could make it by hooking your friend for speed or getting less speed from the previous part. i don't really know if this part odes need to be changed though, this is more of a nit-pick

speedrun strat here is to aled to avoid the freeze timer. Lots of newer novice maps have these sort of random filler parts that are thrown in for speedrunners. Might make it a bit more interesting if the right freeze was teleport so that the novice players still had to go up and around though.

lastly the very first part of the map to me feels too hard for what the rest of the map is as you need to do a fairly competent throw to get through. the other difficult parts of the map feel more approachable and doable imo which justifies their difficulty. with this a newer player that could for sure do the rest of the map might quit out after not being able to get the height on the throw (or throw at all maybe). this is made worse by it being the first part. there are lots of ways to approach this, lowering the freeze, shinking it, you could nerf it substantially by adding hookthroughs to the side wall and maybe make the other tiles unhookable so the player just has to throw onto the lower ledge then grab from up top

overall through i really like this map! the design is nice, i like it's use of space and the speedrun strats included. the little easter egg teleport and the hard to reach snack time table were fun additions too. i think aside from the criticisms i mentioned specifically some of the parts do feel unnaturally easy for how the rest of the map is but overall i think the map is great and just needs a few fixes to bring it to it's full potential

yeah this is kinda what i mean. speedrunners will aled and regular players will just jump the 1 tile wall. nobody is going to do it the "normal" way

i agree with Scar feedback, i have some thoughts also

its a bad idea to put the stoppers there, most likely players intention would be just go on top and then they will realise that they had to help his partner to go up, however you put a tele and they can go back easily, but the part may be too hard for them and have to do all the thing again could be tedious af

if you want to do a deep make it more interesting, but imo a deep part for novices its a bit boring

i dont think they know that if they press D in this case will go further

maybe you could put more tele, and if you do that expand this part a few inches


overall the map is decent, and need more content on the map maybe 3 more parts

I think maybe novice players cant do the solo part without sg and its intentional skip

yyy Boy

ok so i have played through the update now. i like what you did do address the feedback, the changes you implemented felt good with the map and solved the issues. i think still though there is one thing that is still a bit off for me.

This part still feels kinda lacking in being a part for non-speedrunners. It definitely is more clear for regular players but still is essentially just dropping down. The is no punishment nor real incentive for players to avoid this strip of freeze aside from speedrunning as hitting it will drop them down to the ground same as not. How you approach this is up to you but one possible idea would be changing the freeze into teles. That way it doesn’t change the part for speedrunners but gives the regular players an obstacle to avoid. You would also need to put teles under/on the right wall to prevent the same issue of just brainlessly falling.

The map still has some issues with the cps, you didnt add more parts to make the map more interesting and longer, personally im not a fan of empty spaces where you have to walk (unless is to lower de crowdness). I wouldnt release the map in this state, maybe add some stuff with "special tiles" (ST) such as tele gun or tune zones but in a simpler way (i like adding the "special tiles" due makes novices maps more enjoyable/fun/striking for different types of players, specially for new ones because they will remember such a thing), if you accept doing parts with this ST dont make just 1 part. On the other hand, if you dont want to apply this things try to make more drag parts in a fun way.

i would force it anyways, its not that hard to learn how sg works

i use tele gun in my novice map and then a swing and it wasnt that hard to learn how it work


Ran this with Uppie, we both liked the map as is. Nice that it trains parts in a easy way of harder maps.

Could you tell me where the cp issue is?

I already point the issue above

You overuse where is not needed and looks really weird

And maybe you don’t even have to use cp on this map, just the regular tele may be fine

scaffold stuff in high detail

this part has too many stoppers im p shore u can cut down on some of them

refills arent needed

too faily if ur going for low starcount

if u use stoppers on bottom/unfreeze at ends of these tunnels

boring end

id close this off incase u can cheat

and u can slightly cheat w it anyways

go into cp > cto 17 > skip nade


idk if the parts should be skippable most of the time just to empathize with speed runners

also you can just jump with speed here


what's the problem if the solo part is too long?

I think this is necessary

did you see the teleport tile of the last part?

look at the tuning zone up there, I already know that...

This is not a solo map, therefore it can’t be that long

It actually aren’t, the position 1 to the position 2 (by this I mean where you are and where you are going to be) are too short to overuse the stopper

Yes, and it’s kinda absurd to make faster the tele transportation if that tele gets you nowhere like interesting or relevant with the gameplay itself


i must go back to cp8, but this is not your idea right?

only the important/not obvious unfreezes must be marked


I didn't play the map, but in a novice I think part skipping is fine, as long as it's not the entire map or some big cut. There can be alternative ways, not sure if the map should strictly allow only 1 option per part.


can you make a way to allign yourself with dummy anywhere in the soloparts?

like add a block here

just remove one of the teleto 17

or that

same problem exists on every solo section

wouldn't exactly call that a 'problem'

but yeah you only need 1 totele for solos

Is phrase but yes

map looks great, when will it release? xd

what u think which difficulty is this map? it feels a bit mixed up in novice, between 1 and 5 rn

play through it again, maybe u notice it urself


cp16 has no cto tele


yes it is

can you tell me in more detail? I dont got it

both can go there

skip upper ht part



ok, I'll fix it

Please put the teles in order, it's frustrating otherwise

You could do that instead :

Try to balance the map, have novice players play it and not where it's too easy or where they struggle


Could we at least know what changed ?


You still haven't changed it

i feel like the freeze blends in with the background too much

theres an sv_deepfly command, but theres no deep in the map anywhere as far as i can tell

I think it is ok

it is not corner bug

Fixed all the mentioned problems


Fix everything before you update your map

Did you test it before updating?

it blocks skip but I think it is better way to protect


Fix the lanterns by adding an offset

By creating a new group, I showed you how

Offset : 16px

Please check them all after you fixed them


fixed all the mentioned problems maybe checked that there were no other problems in the process of fixing it

It should be ready after that



i should ask keb to test it

Sure, thanks


at the end, people either get teleported there or at other places

they could be teleported under "the winners"


so how to fix or improve this, idk what u want

It's not what I want, it's just a suggestion

to add teleport in the freeze

so some people might be lucky enough to be winners and some others might fall in the pit of despair

under the winners so they can play with their bodies


to tele, just like you did for the winner room

delete the hookthrough?

come to my server

Does anyone have an idea about the rating of that map ?

I'd say 4*

$ready 4


good map

keb certified map


i posted this bug like 3 times

What's the bug ?
hidden freeze

Oh ok, couldn't tell with that screenshot

Fixed the wrong visual

It's not urgent anyway, it doesn't change anything to the gameplay

spec enabled for what?

Preference I suppose
