this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules


There is a lot of too basic parts , no creativity , pretty baisc parts . No need to put this waste time mazes not intersting it's old maps was ok , not nowadays . No need all deathtiles .....

play new maps and watch what they are making

i wouldn't change anythink here , nothink to hold on .

create new map , play maps (new not oldschool ) and look what they make and what you did


sorry everyone The picture I made is too simple. I think it should be a novice 4-star.😓

Or 2 stars.

it's too hard for novice



Moderate Zero

There are parts harder then others and parts that are too easy compared to other parts

如果Colour Blindness 能顺利进入地图列表里面 我们就会启动 Colour Blindness 2 的制作 (Colour Blindness 2 绝对没有任何浪费时间的地方,充满创意还是不太可能的至少要比1好上很多)不过以目前的反响来看 2是没有任何希望的

f Colour Blindness can make it into the map list, we will start the production of Colour Blindness 2 (Colour Blindness 2 has absolutely no time to waste, and it's impossible to be creative, at least it's much better than 1) but in terms of the current response, 2 is hopeless.


No don't make it Colour blindness 2 map ....

So there's no hope.


play new released maps

I guess testers have to say what the heck this is.XD

Do you want to learn from it?

learn from what ?

new released

new released map

i agree with texnonik that this map has no future since its extremely repetitive and contains exhausting labyrinths. You have many labyrinths which is no fun at all and u also have many pistol fly solos that arent special, just randomly placed freezes.

this map is impossible to make it releasable since all parts are repeated somewhere else over and over and using exhaustingly long parts and labyrinths to make up for half the playtime isnt fun




that's why don't make 2nd map like this

In fact, we are making other maps, and there is no reason to consider making Colour Blindness 2.


good luck next time i guess lol