this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules




- Fix one edge

its a rework i did with

Okay bro. Nice map

you are thinking wrong how to do the part ;D

Fixed the "Fake" Hooktrough and the skip with spec.

im wrong bcs SG info was missing

ye thats what i should fix too.. sec xd

Fixed the Skip, added the symbol that you need shotgun i guess it should be fine now.

what about a final test?

high detail needs to be fixed

- remove grass, fireflies, purple lights, stars

- make background sky look better (blue doesnt match)

wouldnt make this so punishing

make start/finish 4 tiles wide to fit design

also looks a little weird with the bottom star half inside the block, maybe make it symmetrical

otherwise seems ready to me, but im not great at testing these types of maps. i liked some of the parts tho, they were creative

i wouldn't make the statue so red, it looks unnatural

so just remove stars, make background more red and make statue normal color?

dont remove them, move them to HD

so just make detail Yes or?


Alright fixed all you said

All non-gameplay relevant decorations should be marked as 'detail' in the editor. Map credits are excluded.

i dont like the spawn placing

both can go right here

That was done on purpose xd

Does it look too ugly ?

oh idk not really

nah looks cool

maybe a bit more darker main (outside color) fit better to the map

Also make ht alpha 150 i think its too plane and kinda match with hookable

habs grad gesehen, werde mich dran machen


Everyone: english

Changes :
- Screen 1-9 : fixed
- Fixed HD
- Make main a bit more darker
- HT alpha : 150

https://discordapp.com/channels/252358080522747904/785255819100946452/798217396452196394 u forgot remove 2 ht, u can easy jump in without any speed


waiting after 1 day? xd

after that i hope its ready


nothing bad at waiting now 😄

We are fixing it


Stop edging him

map is cool overall but not releasable till u change these


Spec will be disabled on that map.

to this one, u just have to know which wall you have to go and in which angle you have to sg at that wall, play the map and test it out, i guess didnt even tried the map

I played map with coke, he has same opinion about it

its a easy solo i dont know whats the problem sure its faily but the whole map is faily tho, if you are high enough u just need one nade from the wall and its enough

come on test right now pls i will show you

The problem not in part, problem its not fitting the map style

And im not home, cant come

Imagine there faily solo part in the middle of back in time

But why its not fitting, its just like you filter the noobs that maybe came till there

Filter noobs at end of map?

and when u play maps like this u have to play save anyways

Changes :
- Changed everything mentioned before
- I changed parts that looked similar a little bit, but I don't know if it's ok for you. Just tell me

Changed/ Deleted Parts that
@Cøketold me to delete.

Parts are "map name"

wrong map name

sry, now its the right one

someone can finally test this?

not bad map

Fixed a little thing
@Knuskitold me to fix 😄

Added unfreeze suns to a part (i forgot them lol)


Changed the part to other one, now its map by Avasus and big thx to Darkoort because i had to delete all parts which darkoort made :/ hes okay with it so i guess it should be fine now.

Had to change the part a bit. Now it works perfectly. and fixed a misplaced lamp

Fixed one Corner*

this is a really weird part:
- its cheatable at the top
- the bottom is extremely hard to save if u fall in deep and the throw/hammerrun is weird cause there is no safe way to do it
- the middle where u throw dummy up is weird cause when u hammer him to the left he will fall down and even if u hook him he will go under those unhookables and fail

It's not "cheat able" you can throw one up or you hook one down into the unfreeze, after that you land on the 1 tile block and the dude in the unfreeze hammers you up. You stay on left edge and hook into the unfreeze down there. The dude in the unfreezething just have to jump and the dude up just have to hook. It's not a big deal tho

The way you have to go before you can go up is just a simple throw, first take speed from the other player and then it's like you first go a bit right and then throw him. U are far enough in and in hook range and the other dude lands on platform


Fixed all and changed the weapon part to a gores/fly filler

Deleted shields i forgot and fixed one corner

I don't think this map can be released without a big rework, most parts seem to barely work and many are too faily. Also I can't see if this is supposed to be a t0 map or 2p, neither would work well.

Do you wanna prank me

If you have time at 20:00 it would be good when you come on a test server and we play the map together. Because this is a big joke from you dude

Or send screenshots.

Stupid arguments are not arguments to make a BIG REWORK LOLOLOL

This is a rework. And its a simple map so idk what is your problem.

As i Said its Not well mapped But you didnt accept it from my side...

idc about your opinion. your not a tester and you dont like me anyways so wtf

imo it's just hard to see if it's a t0 or 2p map cause it's neither. For me, this would be the typical map you'd play with a team of 4 or 6 decent players

you can easily play it in t0 or in 2p team. its not that faily there are just 1 or 2 parts you can fail on the whole map

yeah alright that's debatable, you can easily fail in every single part. but not like that's a bad thing or anything

nono thats not bad 😄

its a normal t0 map like arctic frost or anything else.

but idk what ravie or genex doesnt understand

yeah depends on the definition of t0, I wouldn't play that map with randoms but that's more like a point of view thing


i mean you can play it with randoms but they should even do good hammer hit xd

dude its just bad mapped its okay if yout dont care smth ect i was trying to help you and you was like i give a fuck so stfu man i was trying to help when i tested this map but so ravie agrees with me but well your choice xd

Theres nothing bad mapped
@Genexall parts work perfectly i think you dont even played the map. If you had played it you wouldnt talk trash like that actually

Dude you was on the Server and Wrote With me xddd

So pls

Come now on the server

And we play it again


Dont have time

Ah sure. Then send me screenshots which parts you mean 🙂

If there are so many bad mapped parts and parts which dont work well 😉


Sure the whole map is bad mapped 😄 thats why many people who tested it told me that the map is good and got some nice parts. Its a basic map with some nice parts and thats good feedback. Not like you, you wanna tell me all parts are bad mapped haha.

If you say so

Dont Wanna Waste More Time on this

If you say so

No one told you that you have to test this 😉

Maybe you should first fix your own map and then talk to me again.
😂 like two 5th graders

@Avasus?xd lupus fixed Titos fixed doomworld2 rdy so what do you want ? XD

So pls xd

"Sry for spam" - Genex


And ?

Its still fixed? XD

Hm i guess not 😄

If you say so big pro mapper xd

same to you bro


When you can't fix some parts good


+added some platforms, after i tested the map with bumm and
@Genexchanged some little things

+Changed some things at the Gores Part

+spec and some unfreezes

Map is kinda nice for team0, i see no problem on rls this. Its true that some parts at the beginning are hards and some evil spikes and 1 tile gaps but in team0 i think its alright

what about a final test? 🙂

what about fixing what I said? 😃

I asked the other testers to see whats the opinion of them ^^

no need for a "final" test until my issues are fixed 🎃

Like i said, i asked the other testers, not you 😉

well you get me, such is life 😛


its funny how ravie is the testing lead too lmao

And now? Dont you think heres enough off topic now that you have to commentary this? Its like you are a bodyguard or something else.

I've already spoken to someone who told me that I don't need Ravie's consent, just a couple of testers.

No need to act like this tbh

fixed all you told me to do

After 2 hours, now Ravie is good with it

he's just hiding, don't bother him



Fixed a corner*

Fixed the corners in last part

$ready 4

can u change the name to "Gone" by Avasus [Brutal]

you can do it yourself

$help change

Change details of a map
for more info on a command. You can also use
for more info on a category.
Commands $change mappers – Change the mappers of a map $change name – Change the name of a map $change server – Change the server type of a map

$change mappers texnonik

if u can write how to do it cant u just do it

Difference between giving a fish and teaching how to fish y'know

$change mappers Avasus

he can do both

well true

I have forgotten these commands, because you rarely need them and they are not pinned either

Found one wrong corner xd now finally all fixed

can you make it ready again? or
@Ravie? xd

$ready 4


remove this since its better to save instead of using the hook and potentially blocking others

this freezeline is useless since there is a plat even with unfreeze.remove it so u can even go back easier

what is this part meant to be? imo just bad and consistent way. doesnt really match your mapstyle

people will rather take the right way to get tees out. u could make the left way full unfreeze instead of only the wall

U sure that u did the right way here? It's one of the cool parts... I would not change anything there because the part works well

no consistent way to go back if they fail

Coke he and Genex are just trying to talk bad about the map shortly before it is released. Because Genex is just jealous that I'll get a map released one day, just as he kicked me out of FL because of it, but that doesn't matter, the map has been tested by enough people and it's ready. So to break something to Jason and Genex with your pointless arguments. It doesn't help;)

There is lol.

why me lol? xd

oh my bad

Im just telling you what to change before this gets released

U are on the server too :)

mad cuz i did f4 ?xd

im not lol?

im with starkiller wtf?

both guys will go left at this part. no one would even know you could take left wall so whats point of this?

no way to go back here

novice part ?

moderate part

not needed u can just go plat down

Weird that you and Jason are on DC and after I wrote to you that you are the only person who hate this map Jason comes and write some trash into this channel that every part is trash or something hahaha get a life boys

Does every part need a part to go back on a brutal 4* map? Looks like same problems on stronghold and other maps hm. Again a stupid argument

They sure can get tees from right side idc 😂 they can go left to get them easier or take left way to just get back. It's a 4* brutal map so I don't have to make it full unfreeze boy ;)

Not every part needs a part to get back ❤️

Dumb argument and don't need to change

If someone falls down it's 50/50 if he dies ort not btw you have to be stupid if you fall into a killtile there because the part on the top is just a easy hook

why do you call my arguments dumb and stupid? there is no way to interact with you if you just get mad

Filler to get the other one out and to get on the other wall.

If you think so

There is no way to interact with stupid arguments I don't need to change anything of your Screenshots. The map is ready and now youre just telling trash arguments you MB had a chance to let me change this if it wasn't ready, now it's to late bro😘. Go and do your own stuff wtf

Stupid arguments=stupid answers

That's the end now mb cu on the releaseday (5th May) ❤️

this is a team 0 map and the way you mapped the parts isnt a good way

going back on certain spots can help also your map isnt 4* brutal imo so you dont need to make those spots without a backway

Hm idk why they rated it then 4* 🤔 why aren't you in Testing team? Bro idk what you trying to but I don't have to change anything of your stuff. The map is already ready and in map releases.

rework this. afterall 3* map with some easier parts and not too faily that part coming.

50%of your map is just low gores fillers. maps like that shouldnt even be released

Map is getting released at 5th May, talk to me like you want but I won't chance anything and I don't have to, it's like before stop trash talk this map and do you own stuff bro

You just posted almost every part and just wrote unnecessary shit like you don't rly now how to argue but hm mb if I just write trash it's good and the map will not be able to release if I talk trash to the mapper and ping the testers. Bro are you dumb or smth? Idc about u or Genex because u both are talking pure trash and are not even allowed in my opinion to write into any other maps on submit or maps which are ready.