interesting design

hey its hfy's snow tiles

haven't played, will try to soon

thx Coke , i changed desing of unfreeze marks, and put unfreeze in some parts

put tele in faily part

and gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bO8C_kiwJI

I don't have the concentration to fix the graphics bugs, but I fixed everything except 2 screenshots. Thank you coke for the great test. I also fixed some others graphics bugs that were still found and added a freeze on part with sg

i helped a bit with design problems


$ready 3

not ready imo

fix stopper design, it looks like deep

cp 9 is cheatable ez in like 5 diff ways

they're about the same diff or harder tho so

cp 6 looks hugely imbalanced + first laser is not great

also some other stuff ill test in a few

maybe put the background transparent tiles in parallax?

yep, black color is associated with a deep freeze, but this color fits very well into the design of map


you have time for show me cp9cuts?

ah i see

I don't know how much time you save if using cheats, 2 seconds? but I fixed it anyway

cp 9 part intended way makes no sense, you can just sg urself up without hooking the floor

All colors have less a

I did it yesterday

I edited first part, it's fine now

try it with grenade 😁

But I agree, it's a bit annoying

- cp4 edit , cp9 edit, changed stopper color

little fixes

Couldnt find any designbugs

$ready 2

def not 2 stars

i think the issue is that there are some niche fail spots that don't really fit in the map, and they're also at very failable parts in each tele.

the parts themselves are easy but the random fails make it very frustrating

lol this was really made 2??? Its not even 2 if it would be unfaily

yes it is lool

so ez

just stupid fails that are dumb af

dude stop rating maps based on ur skill

its not even skill based it just takes a lot of tries because the parts are all rng

Players with 2* skill cant finish this

then they couldn't finish spadarap either

Im not the best Soloplayer but i couldnt do spadarap

well its 2*

It shouldnt

Sparadrap being 2* is a fucking meme too

Both should be 3*

oldschooladventure 2*

so your argument is "because other maps are missrated this rating is okay here too" ?

no im saying if u guys are crying about borderline ratings then cry about the more misrated ones first

and also if we rerate a solo map we should do it for all solo maps

They dont even rerate maps on mappers wish

maybe if we compiled a list of maps that need rerates it would work

but i hate it when a map could be borderline between 2 stars

actually its not a problem with the map

its the 5 star system which sux cause theres a lot more than 5 difficulty tiers

they are misrated now because the community improved in skill

bruh louis I already went with jao over like 30 maps where we both agreed they are misrated af, yet nothing changes

at least change the new released misrated ones

I agree with broke, since this is a small community, most of it has improved quite a lot, and most of maps are misrated

m the improvement of the community wont misrate maps

why doesnt he change lol

thats stupid

and yeah i agree

i think we should have multiple testers go over the rating

i think i said this map was 2* but i didnt take into account the random fails

so i think i was wrong here

but other ppl should input their opinions

Idk ask him yourself

Probably doesn't to bother changing old maps

Too much work

Also I agree with konsti

Even without fails the parts are 3*

well it would improve new player's experiences a lot because they will be able to play maps their tier and won't be confused when they get a super hard map when they vote for 2*

f4 these parts aren't hard imo

Yeah I used the same argument like over a year ago

Just deal with it I guess

theres only 2 unbalanced parts (the swinging part and the bounced laser) and even those 2 parts shouldn't make the whole map 3*

Rocket part is never 2* either

the double?

And I say that as a race player

The bit before that

oh yeah that

its just very hard to get consistent

even if ur good u just need rng hook

i didnt do it because we dont have a rerating system in place rn. then i forgot about making it

In the next few years we will get a huge problem with skill increasing

Gotta change the 5* system some time soon

Perhaps a 10* system would be more accurate

Or a system that gives stars in different catgetories

Like testers do

the skill gap between new player and pros is rising

Just compare triplecan 2 and memento both being 5 solo while one of them is probably more like 9

ye i think 10* is good idea too


since everything is alr based on 5* it would be misplaced

maybe like easy solo / hard solo

The problem is with a fixed rating that there will always be a "hardest" map and maps will continue to get harder

It will always be outdated


make stars for length and stars for hardness o:

And stars for brain


that falls into hardness

Add a fixed value of stars for teamforce

No not at all

Ravillion is hard but not faily

im speechless now 😦

mm brain maps always underrated


Not really


Broken brain 4*

cause testers always ask mapper how to do part

Yeah true

yeah broken brain only one rated correctly


Nowadays they are underrated

Make "New ddnet maps" as a vote option and rls maps from now on with other rating system

Big brain move

that’s something for ddnet 2

imo there are a few aspects to a map's rating:
length - how long is it skill required for parts - how advanced are the techniques required for the map level of failyness - is it just a few easy blocks of freeze you have to jump over, or is it hard gores, etc amount of failyness - how much of the map is faily accuracy required - are parts easily done once you know how, or do you need to be very precise to do them brain - how much brain

You forgot brain

so maps that get 10 votes for rls and 5 for not rls arent getting rlsed although 5 ppl wanna play it? Sad

What do you mean

I never said something like taht

I mean as an "In server" voting system

If u vote for it

Like brutal category


i think the best rating system is to have the easiest map be 1* and just have the rest of the maps scale linearly

there would be no limit to the highest star

Yeah true

So memento would be max right now

i.e. memento mori wouldn't be a 5, it would be like 11\ or whatever

and if a harder map comes out it would be 12*

Let it be 10 for now

Looks nicer

yeah i guess

well it depends

when ddnet 2? O: O: O:


That might sound rude but I'd expect testers who for example rate a solo map to have done at least a majority or many hard ones

For them to vote on those

Or at least have a higher valued opinion

ratings are subjective in the end

u cant say what’s ultimately right or wrong


but round about u can say what it is

if its harder it cant be 1 but maybe 2-5 o:

if its between 2 ratings u cant really complain

like this being 2 or 3