envelope 3, 4, 5, 6 are unsued (green at envelope number means unused)

oh, there are more little freeze bugs all over the map:

very nice map haven't tested gameplay much yet but looks insane

@tuxI don't agree with your 2nd screen. I always place fakefreeze under blocks because it looks ugly when generic make little hole of no freeze

But imo it should be filled with red marking there instead

inspired by exhale?)

seems like u didnt test ur map enough, some parts rly annoying to play over and over cp 11, cp 15, cp 20, cp 23, cp 28 (for me and n9)

startline is skipable

for @tux, trax will fix all these little bugs so dont worry, for
@Kicker1 screenshot: ok we could change it, #2 screenshot when i saw it in entities it was fine so maybe trax sent me old version, #3 screenshot u are doing the part wrong because its 100% for me, #4 screenshot imo its not that long, #5 screenshot its pretty easy part tbh, #6 screenshot i can show when spyker comes how to do it, #7 screenshot forgot to fix it but ty, #8 screenshot same thing as the other screenshot, it was fixed in final version and regarding it being annoying, the map wasnt made for doing everything really easy, we wanted some challenge.

- "Fake Freeze"
- CP on some parts
- Skipable Startline
- Part @CP39

freeze and tele are indistinguishable

bad contrast

or bg is too dark


am colorblind and struggling to see the design

Background Freeze/Teleport CP 28 (Shotgun) CP 33

- Random Bugs

searching for testers 😄

the hookable blocks are not clearly visible

moon need less brightness

ty for testing will try to fix these as soon as trax is available too

Fixed all things from Coke

Fixed Deep

if you choose to keep actual cp21, add one cp up and down

after that, the map seem ready for me

solve some corners issues

$ready 1


finally o:

Did someone test this map?

added hammer if you fall into tele

And sorry guys.. was not my job😩

all good. we are right now at this possition stuck xd waiting for reupload 😄

fixed ty


No offense intended but I gotta ask the question everybody is wondering;
@DarkOortdid you test this with somebody else? Another tester perhaps, because if not I don't see how you can Ready this map

Again, I really don't mean this in an offensive way but you haven't really done many hard maps yourself


no offense was received >x> To answer the question, yes, I essentially tested the map alone. There are two reasons I think: Firstly, the fact that no one has actually tested the map for about 7 months. i figured that's unfair to keep the mappers waiting any longer. Also I figured that nobody would want to test the map with me. Which isn't true because Cøke is always willing to help me. The second reason is that I have indeed forgotten that I am a beginner in this field. It was probably out of ego concerns that I wanted to show that I could test a map on my own. Be that as it may, all those decisions were mistakes, I take responsibility for them and they won't happen again.

the testing could be not good as everyone of u is saying but atleast
@DarkOorthad the balls and kindness to do it by himself since he understood that his colleagues wouldn't do it and I appreciate this guy for it, probably without him this map would've been in testing for another year.

It feels like there are only 2 tester,
@DarkOortwho are willing to test and help. o:

at the time i posted this map they weren't only 2 trust me

Same with my map. no rls/test since ~ 8 months, but
@DarkOortwas willing to test now. Also hes no insane player and also not one person can find every problem in every map. At least hes doing something and I dont think its his fault if nobody else is looking over the maps o:

ye thats what I said, even though his testing wasnt the best cuz hes not an insane player u have to give even more credit cuz he assumes he was gonna get "flamed"

u pro thats why

you don't need to be an insane player to test the maps

but as you see insane players mapped these bugs :p