this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

This is not a dummy map at al

no part nothings

Not even startline or endline


yea i need help with that, i ndee to set deep freeze for dummy, and i dont know how

create a switch layer pick a number at the top (after selecting switch layer) place down deep freeze place down an OFF switch

like that?>

your deep freeze is on number 1

and your switches will deactivate number 2

make them the same number

your switches are also the timer version

swap it around, right now if you enter from the bottom you disable the freeze and then go inside it


and how to set start and finish? ^^

and you can also place the startline inside the freeze


ok i need to reupload map here?

from this statement im gonna assume that your map is gonna need a complete rework

why? i made start finish and deep for dummy

a lot of ppl tested map and it is passeble


take a look at recently released maps and learn from them

yeah but is it any fun


a lot

they fall down everytime XD

not very fun

i just picked up jetpack and flew to finish

jetpack forbidden

any weapons forbidden

only hammer

where u find jetpack? XD

its right below spawn

i dont have it lol

its clear that this is your first time mapping you should learn the features of the editor before submitting a map

this is my firtst huge map that i want to publish ^^

i removed weapons

my map just went wrong and didnt showd em

take a look at recently released maps to see the requirements to publish a map your map has alot of visual bugs and doesnt really fit in the dummy category
i suggest you make a new map, taking inspiration from maps in a category of your choice but dont outright copy!!! then test your new map in a lan server by yourself and with your friends and ask yourself questions like: "does part X fit in category Y?" "is this part fun to play and does it flow well?" "is this map good enough to be on ddrace?"
your idea of fun is getting a bunch of friends together and playing, which yes, is fun but it isnt fun if its just you alone, trying to get a few points or trying to speedrun

i personally started mapping novice, but ive heard moderate/brutal is easier to map

i tried to make difficult and long map

and why i freezing too

It's not about being finishable. There is standards in this community. I understand your want to publish your maps to the community, but you also have to follow guidelines. Here are some links that will help you to get your maps to the servers. https://ddnet.org/guidelines/ https://ddnet.org/rules/