this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

the gameplay is not very well tested really. this part for example
1) you could just skip the blue part, if both have laser at red 2) the wall at orange is not marked!! 3) if you want laser, you just go through the unsolo and skip the grenade 4) both can just fall into solo, get grenade, and go into unsolo, both have grenade for the next part

Kill tiles at end

a good thing about the map is, that it has a lot of space. also the drag parts were OK (but nothing special at all) but it has very many problems. and the design is also quite weak.. so this would need a lot of work.

Yea, the first thing is delete kill tiles at end and it will be realesable

thx man , thus I learn to make maps more correctly


will it be possible to fix the map, or discard this?

I think it is possible to make the map releasable
I marked the quality of your parts,
so first of all, there is no green or outstandingly good / clever part. most releasable maps have a bit of green, lots of blue and a bit of orange as filler when they're lazy. job of testing there should be to make orange count to 0. excellent map makers only use green / blue parts and should be open to convert anything blue to green.
so to make your map releasable, imo, you should do: 1) there should be no red parts at all 2) at least a few green parts and a lot of blue parts 3) make the map longer! 4) fix the design! (make it aesthetic too look at, or at least not make your eyes hurt [holes in tiles, background, color of wall])

That's an interesting description


@wsike >.<🙂

ok this parts red and orange i remove?

You can try to change them

make part

it's a bit boring, but also faily at the bottom so I found it underwhelming you should replace it like the other red/orange parts


i have 2 projects

"easy night"

and fix this level

when are you thinking about fixing this map? I would put it on waiting, but it's bugged so the best thing would be to decline it for now until you upload your new version.


I'm making a list of projects, I'm going to leave this one for last, I'm using pieces of this map and putting a little bit on the other one I'm doing, obviously changing so that it's not the same

I'm seeing the good design that doesn't hurt your eyes, so when I do, I'll fix this one and make it bigger

Alright, sounds good to me. seeing you breakdown the other moderate and being open for criticism I have big hopes for your next projects.

