"Moonlit" by Fetr1x & чмоня [Moderate]
DDNet 01/25/2025 7:13 PM


DDNet 01/25/2025 7:13 PM
mirfay123 01/25/2025 7:27 PM


mirfay123 01/25/2025 7:27 PM

u can try searching up "downscaler" in google and downscale until you think its enh

mirfay123 01/25/2025 7:28 PM

ill check the map soon

nightsp 01/25/2025 7:37 PM

yup, i understand, i could optimize like bush and stars images, will take care of it soon

nixuslegendary 01/25/2025 9:58 PM


nixuslegendary 01/25/2025 9:59 PM


blaiszephyr 01/25/2025 10:54 PM

1mb is actually fine IMHO if the design is fire and doesn't affect gameplay - but I couldn't take a proper look yet. The preview does look good tho ^^

bagler67 01/26/2025 7:39 AM

useless marker ig

qweweqqw_ 01/26/2025 7:40 AM

There are a lot of design bugs entire map

qweweqqw_ 01/26/2025 7:41 AM

hard to see freeze in some parts

qweweqqw_ 01/26/2025 7:46 AM

useless stopper

mirfay123 01/26/2025 8:24 AM

i didnt see the map before, so i recommended

ybivawka 01/26/2025 10:55 AM

many tips seem useless for moderate

ybivawka 01/26/2025 10:56 AM

It's clearly worth doing something about the design bugs, it doesn't look good.

ybivawka 01/26/2025 10:57 AM

I don't quite understand why in one place (solo part) you left the possibility to die, but in the part below there is none

f0rtishka 01/26/2025 11:02 AM

please stick to gameplay related testing first

ybivawka 01/26/2025 11:06 AM

Stoppers are not needed in places like this, because they can be replaced with default tiles, such as hooktrough, based on the guidelines, it is better to use special tiles at a minimum if they can be replaced with regular tiles.

ybivawka 01/26/2025 11:06 AM


f0rtishka 01/26/2025 11:07 AM

we always test gameplay first before reviewing design bugs/errors

ybivawka 01/26/2025 11:09 AM

you can also get rid of this gate and button, try to do this wherever possible, then the map will look cleaner

ybivawka 01/26/2025 11:09 AM

not a very interesting part in my opinion

ybivawka 01/26/2025 11:11 AM

you can take checkpoint 21, go back, take the jetpack and fall into the teleport to save the jetpack

ybivawka 01/26/2025 11:15 AM

there is no checkpoint in this part but there is a teleport back, thanks to which you will appear at checkpoint 27, I found it strange

ybivawka 01/26/2025 11:20 AM

In places like this, you can do the same as in the second screenshot, it looks neater and helps to avoid unnecessary stoppers and speeders.; It also eliminates the possibility of getting stuck on edge.

ybivawka 01/26/2025 11:22 AM
ybivawka 01/26/2025 11:24 AM

overall, just in my opinion, these parts don't seem very interesting and could be done better

mirfay123 01/26/2025 11:37 AM

what ive seen from your other maps means that you finnally used logo in a quad, not text

mirfay123 01/26/2025 11:39 AM

no stopper needed

mirfay123 01/26/2025 11:39 AM

same 4 hammer

mirfay123 01/26/2025 11:46 AM

couldnt get it after alot of tries, means dummy unfriendly

mirfay123 01/26/2025 11:46 AM

i mean... this

shmoneyflow 01/26/2025 12:00 PM

wtf is here

shmoneyflow 01/26/2025 12:00 PM

so just copypaste "turn off entities"

shmoneyflow 01/26/2025 12:01 PM

and there's a way to skip start line?

mirfay123 01/26/2025 12:01 PM

oh u have entities on

shmoneyflow 01/26/2025 12:01 PM

idk how wide is start tile

mirfay123 01/26/2025 12:01 PM

start line skippable by 0.01% chance

oxyzo. 01/26/2025 12:01 PM

tas when

shmoneyflow 01/26/2025 12:02 PM

another by the end

shmoneyflow 01/26/2025 12:07 PM

nah just with tas u can know right coordinates to go thru tiles

shmoneyflow 01/26/2025 12:08 PM

its for first tile

shmoneyflow 01/26/2025 12:08 PM

second is hard

ybivawka 01/26/2025 1:47 PM


nightsp 01/26/2025 1:48 PM

glad you send it

nightsp 01/26/2025 1:48 PM

was about to post update

dsp09 01/26/2025 1:48 PM

80% of parts so boring

dsp09 01/26/2025 1:49 PM

just simple novice parts

ybivawka 01/26/2025 1:50 PM

I would really like to see more variety in the drag parts on this map, a little more complexity in them, a little more space in general, clean up unnecessary special tiles and close the skips so that it would be more playable, otherwise it would be easier to simplify this map to a novice, because now it is closer to that level

nightsp 01/26/2025 1:52 PM

it was planned as novice at first thats why

nightsp 01/26/2025 1:54 PM

gonna rework some drag parts

vena6080 01/26/2025 1:58 PM

everything tight as hell, so many useless entities (switch, stoppers, speeder) the jetpack and infinit hook are badly use, (for 1 hook or 1 straight up jetpack) and same for inffinit jump sometime it's more novice the cp are not well used, it could be cfrom most of the time some timecp are place badly

vena6080 01/26/2025 1:58 PM

some parts are not clear

vena6080 01/26/2025 1:58 PM

can cheat all the map, don't use stopper here

DDNet 01/26/2025 1:59 PM


balami. 01/26/2025 5:47 PM

I liked the drag parts, they are like modern versions of somewhat outdated ddmax drag parts but the fillers are quite slow. i suggest to start a new map where you have more space to create your part, because the filler ruin the gameplay of your map. it's hard to explain but the way you mapped it makes the gameplay really slow and clunky, something fast paced with more space would be much better. you can probably keep the drag parts for your new map, if you continue mapping. but i agree with the decline in the current state the map has too many issues

nightsp 01/26/2025 6:14 PM

Im currently reworking map almost entirely

nightsp 01/26/2025 6:14 PM

Adding more space and reworking parts

nightsp 01/26/2025 6:14 PM

hopefully it will be better

blaiszephyr 01/26/2025 6:17 PM

somewhat outdated ddmax drag parts

authorities.. this guy!

oxyzo. 01/26/2025 6:26 PM

he has the ddmax licence

balami. 01/26/2025 6:30 PM

this was meant in a positive way, some concepts from ddmax maps are good and should not be categorized as bad

nightsp 01/28/2025 5:49 PM
1001.41 KB
DDNet 01/28/2025 5:49 PM
nightsp 01/28/2025 5:49 PM

New version of the map, probably wont change opinion about decline, but here's a list of changes:

· Fixed skips mentioned above · Fixed design bugs · Made map more open · Reworked some parts · Made some parts more difficult and more interesting · Fixed gameplay bugs · Removed useless tips

catseyenebulous 01/30/2025 7:20 PM

A lot of the issues are still there.

  • Stoppers are overused
  • Bad transitions between the parts (not enough space for more engaging stuff)
  • Some parts are tight and use a lot of unnecessary entities
  1. This is not a great start too a map. If multiple people join at the same time they will immediately overpopulate the first part.
  2. This part is a mess, did you even test it?
  3. The use of grenade isn't very good here.
  4. Jetpack just for this and it's not even needed?
  5. Laser only to spam one player trough the freeze and then the only good use for it is one shot down before finish.
mirfay123 01/30/2025 7:39 PM

picture 2 i tested but it is dumm unfriendly

mirfay123 01/30/2025 7:39 PM

well, not now that the door is placed correctly

gazebr 01/30/2025 9:21 PM

Small thing but based on how everything is separated I think it would be much easier to use numbered teleports instead of checkpoints

ybivawka 01/30/2025 9:40 PM
ybivawka 01/30/2025 9:42 PM

It's not entirely clear why there is a frieze here

ybivawka 01/30/2025 9:43 PM

you can still avoid these buttons and gates, they are useless and you can come up with something more interesting.

ybivawka 01/30/2025 9:44 PM

If I were you I would refuse this part, it's not interesting to play, It also has skip and spam special tiles.

ybivawka 01/30/2025 9:47 PM

you can get rid of all the stoppers, except that I don't know what the testers think about stoppers that help you pull on the ceiling faster, but the rest are definitely not needed and even interfere at the moment / can be replaced with regular tiles

ybivawka 01/30/2025 9:55 PM


nightsp 01/31/2025 9:02 PM

thanks for the feedback!

nightsp 01/31/2025 9:02 PM

will try to fix all of these