this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Pipou, you old map?


bro what

He predates Pipou, he created this map before Stronghold

peak map has been released

please release

this is the trailer for strondhold4


when $ready?


$ready 5

This isn't oldschool u can skip most parts by not taking laser for example you spam a wall of entities and shields which looks ugly on the 2nd picture.. why is there a afk spot ?? on the 3rd pic that text spam is super out of context and u forgot the kill tiles design so you can basically skip the whole part by walking

You good koger!???


its my first map

Did you map this recently ?

No shot this is a real oldschool. literally stealing stronghold tiles and its in the name lmao

This is why I am asking

- this

I want just want to be sure



Well you should be aware that we don't make new oldschool maps, the ones that are posted were made a long time ago 😅


And the map itself isn't really good, it's fine this is your first map, you have a long way until you make a good one

Parts are too tight, the gameplay has a lot of problems

You should try to make a novice or an easy solo map

Just get comfortable with the editor and gl


And take a look at more recent novice maps

It will give you a good idea of what works


It’s from grandma!!

