idk if the previous pic will make the part cheatable ?

ye it would make the part cheatable i dont get the 2nd screen idc its cheatable. feel free to do the parts as u want. map was made for speedruns

u can use this, no need game+front

no i cant

dummy will hit the wall after hammer withh these tiles

it does the same like game+front

no it doesnt

i can show u if u want

gameplay is good, i like the map

the only thing i found is this

thx for testing. i wont add corners in the 4th screens. looks rlly ugly then

nice map, nice flow, makes fun to play if u know how everything works. 3* cause its rly short

moon + stars hd pls o:

Beside of this: No design bugs, No cheats found, everything works,
dummy 3* and after fix rdy for rls

works fine now, dont get stuck, tried several times!
Btw I would add in pink 2-3 stopper to the right (your choice) and blue: stopper downwards!!!, cause if u dont dummy can get to your side coming from below going through the stopper.
Well u cant cheat the part cause u cant go up with dummy but if u add 2-3 more stopper to right ppl have more place to do the part and have more trys 🙂

tested some runs and everything works fine now.
Ready for Release!

@Starkillerin unhook you never used freeze tiles, but in through hook u sometimes use freeze and sometimes not. Add under each ht freeze or delete where u added freeze, it looks different if u dont

@Lady Saavikthis layer is huge
idk what u mean

Dass er größer ist als er sein muss? Vong x-y Koordinaten her

ach das meint sie

in unhook you never used freeze tiles, but in through hook u sometimes use freeze and sometimes not. Add under each ht freeze or delete where u added freeze, it looks different if u dont

already fixed just waited for an answer for lady saavik

looked at your map She means widht and Height, like
@ᶰ°Konͧstisaid. Change Width to 170 and Height to 350, change the freeze tile problem and upload

@LenahReady for Release!
- O:

$ready 3

added logo

Trax Logo Master


looks like you can finish with your dummy

or at least he stays alive and you don't get finish until you kill him


need some speedups there so he dies 100% in every run

ok looks like you can't hook him out

@Lady Saaviklooks like you can finish with your dummy
u were right. since i added jetpack after finish teamfinish was possible. fixed now


Why first part is even there, can be easily cheated

oh no huge cheat

If u cheat 1. part it should be harder than normal way and not faster

and it doesn't look pro