this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


doesn't have jetpack


311,164 corner

cp13 swing is too hard

this part will be cooler if u force 1 hook

this part feels very inconsistant compared to other parts

really easy to go too far on 1st swing

you can hit 6 cp from 7th part

-changes cp 13 easyer swing cp 15 force 1 hook 7cp added tele left and move 2 top teles down

can also do this)

ignite_the_skies 2 ? when ?

i don't want to make it harder ( but if tester insist changing it , i will do it )

do you need jump remove after tele ? i can add if needet , but it doesn't change anythink only adds chat spam .

jump count changed .

do i add in tele jump switch back to 2 jumps ?

changed 1st part , changed 7part added switch back to 2 jumps , changed all cps now on floor , tele one block above .

Really like the map, hope it goes through! CP13 and 15 are the hardest ones imo but overall difficulty fits.

found freeze bug changed opacity of bg tryed add aditional design but failed

talk to texno in game


Vena cp4 more space pipou and vena cp 15 more space Changed hook and unhook color (+tiles change to white color)

LOL 160.00 XD

Suggestion for the colors :

- Fixed the part

(wrong chat)

Should be about 2-3*

$ready 2

An internal error occurred

$ready 2

its not working here bcs he used platforms for cp's

but it's annoying, no?