

skip already found

release when?

oh nice its finished ❤

and my part is still in it hurray!

no shit sherlock


Rls when

whats the background story of this map? looks insane but great amount of entity bugs

something like a sequel of Shockwave but seems like jao will decline it due personal problems with the mapper


looks 7000 mins top1

Best map 🙂

It should be ready now, cheats and stuff don't really matter, since there's no genuine way of cheating at least 20 minutes of tryharding.

(also im not willing my whole lifetime to check this map for shortcuts


shortcuts are features anyways

Mapper is banned

its funny

tons of bugs

and ppl say its rdy

konsti, starkiller and avasus banned?

Konsti is banned, haven't seen avasus in a very long time and I'm not sure if Starkiller even mapped on this


He did so you could continue testing but is anyone seriously considering to release this anyway?

yes !


lmao true didnt realize konsti is banned 😄

fixed all bug Coke posted here + some bugs i found on myself. Also fixed and balanced some parts. Thanks for the test anyway. The part you called stupid is a "simple" 100% part which you cant fail and is one of my favorites. Also deleted all fake entities + the unused switch&tele layer
I will leave this Server again but i kindly ask for unban my normal account to keep updated to this map and be able to post an other map which is in progress right now

i think this part will be cool in first 15mins but it came after 500min run, if u dont know the right way u will fail there

ye, if u put it far into the map u need to at least have an indicator showing how to do the part

as suggested added a font that explains most of the contructed parts and entities off signs. added logo and credits. slightly reworked some parts and added some unfreeze

changed the logo and the fonts to a better looking one, thanks to Cellegen. Improved some parts

wops, changed order of the group, so its not showing over the gamelayer..

forgot to press save... now its done

In various parts, where freeze and unfreeze are right beside each other all freeze corners are mapped as an unfreeze tile. I dont know if thats a good idea since its missleading.

I always map unfreeze tiles dominant. Better an unfreeze tile u thought its freeze than a freeze tile u thought its unfreeze and fail ^^ Thanks for the test, ill fix most of the things


Hard in such big map to find those

Its kinda bugging, to see the incosistency when it comes to the corner freeze above the unfreeze. But well if no one else has a problem with that it should be all good

and y the map took me roughly 3 hours to go throught it

just for vsiual/missing entities bugs

1/2 freeze sux

Oldschool style

fixed everthing mentioned except the unfreeze things and some turn off entities signs because they are not needed at 2 parts

some single entitie tiles fixed

I don't think anybody wants to play nothing but sloppy mapped, faily fillers and auto-parts for 5 hours straight. Try to make a more manageable sized map with more effort put into individual parts. Trying to turn this into something half-decent would be a big waste of time.



Everyone wants to play that


Wtf I want to play this map

lots of people want

There is a difference between wanting to play the map and finishing it

And? There are maps that took years to be finished. Also this mapnis just long but not hard



u declined best map

its a real challenge finish this map

Open a server with your map so we can play with all others who want to play this :3

see, nobody wants to play it

maybe read past the first sentence and find out why the map is bad instead of trying to argue with the least relevant thing

@Raviemaybe read past the first sentence and find out why the map is bad instead of trying to argue with the least relevant thing
the relevant thing here is that at least 6 player want to play this and the 6 player are only from this discord channel, in real there will be more. You can say a map is "bad" how often u want that wont change that you decline maps ppl put a lot of work into and player want to play for your selfish decissions. If u want to improve this system, what
@Welftold me, then try to start now.

what matters here is that this map is bad, don't read too much into the opening words

And youre the one to decide if a map is "good" or "bad"?

And at Stronghold 4 Ravie will say "

What a nice creative map without fillerparts"

Maybe people like fillerparts :O

yeah, I am

Then we dont need other testers or this discord cause u can decide on your own and rls all "good" maps

like his and Pulsars maps

and release them secretly so nobody can say bad maps and decline them

the "fillers" parts obviously have to be faily if it is an insane map, they are not even difficult, if you are going to play an insane map you must know how to play and these parts would not be a problem for a good player, the map is not difficult and the only thing that makes an insane map is that it is long, the map is fun and that each part is faily makes it more exciting, at least for me and my chl squad. It would be a great challenge to complete a map that all parts are faily and that is a long map, for some players it would be a headache, but for those who love t0 maps it would be very entertaining to play this map. I really don't know why you don't want to release the map, you said "i dont think anybody want to play this parts for 5hours .. blablabla" wtf bro .. in ddnet there are many maps that you need hours and hours to finish, for example Binary, you need a lot of time to understand and do the parts, the average time for this map is 7 hours lol and it's not even long, do you think someone wants to play that map? Nobody wants to play it and the map was released anyway, so I see no problem releasing this map, a lot of people want to play it even though it's long, just because it's a fun map that a lot of people can advance if they know the simple mechanics of hh and hf. In ddnet there must be maps for all player tastes and I'm sure a lot of people would love to play this map, it's a shame that people who don't even want to play decide if the map is bad or not, i think you can't even give a good reason why decline the map... cuz this reason u given is rlly a trash

Took the words out of my mouth





we release maps for the community. it doesn't seem logical to decline a map that the community enjoys. in cases like this i think we should at least listen to the community of players since "good" or "bad" ratings are subjective and depend on what people who play the map think about it. even if some parts are badly mapped, we should rather fix those instead of declining the whole map since it seems like a lot of effort was put into it. we don't have to release the map as it is right now, but should try to get it ready for release since people obviously enjoy the map / want to play it in its current state.


5 people wanting a map released is not a reason to abandon our standards

I think you have some problems with your ego. But as I can see with you as testing lead there wont be any progress in making this testing system any better

They are only the people that actively follows this map. I didnt tell anyone to Come here and say something. There is an even bigger community part that just want to play braindead hammerhit without have to think a lot of on how to do a part. These kind of maps are like the opposite of gores. A non gores player wont get how Someone can have fun in doing always the same shit in big groups, same with this kind of maps. The only difference is, that its made of unhook instead of hook

And yet something like gores has a big Community

this isn't just brainless hammerhit, this is poorly mapped

there are better made brainless hammerhit maps like Back in Time

Back in Time isnt brainless hammerhit

Stronghold is

i agree that there are some parts in this map that needs a rework, but i don't think it's fair to decline a whole map just because some parts are sloppy. most of the parts don't seem very sloppy to me

What is your definition of poorly mapped lol??

things like this need a change tbh but usually the parts in this map look fine?

I don't think this map is salvageable
@sen pa' 〄𖤐What is your definition of poorly mapped lol??
everything he doesnt like

yes, I don't like poorly made maps

Give screenshots of the parts that are bad and maybe remake them?

poorly made, this map has a lot of effort u just cant see I didnt just spam tiles without testing it

all the effort went into boring auto-parts

Except for some ofc

there are not many autoparts

Most of them are made to fall through parts u already were before or would come later to without using tele or solotiles everywhere

well i'll take a closer look tonight then

the first 10min i played didn't seem bad but i'll look at the rest of the map

we shouldn't waste our time trying to fix this, at least I'm not going to waste mine

I will waste my time to fix this

I meant testers, mappers can always rework their map and get another chance

even if it's pointless

Well Im more of a tester than you who doesnt care about other and only aiming for his own thinking of "right" or "good"


@Raviewe shouldn't waste our time trying to fix this, at least I'm not going to waste mine
Why because its too long to test? Insane maps are hard to map and hard to test you shouldnt rush it....
Also others and others testers try to fix map and have a look at it while you don't want to? And you are the tester leader... how is that so xD the one in charge doesnt want to test atleast give screenshots of what to change according your like

This map simply needs too much work to be worth improving, we decline such maps

I agree with Ravie there need a lot of work to do this map enjoyable, I’m sure people who wanna play it didn’t even play half of map without abusing super hard, I played this map long time ago in team of 4 decent players, played like for 2 hours without using super a lot and we weren’t event close to finish, map became very boring after first hour, parts is way too repetitive, especially just very basic hammerfly

and mb u write smth like testing priorities for guys like DarkOort and coke that gameplay should be tested before their missing corner bugs fetish, ppl spending time fixing these minor problems for nothing

that's on my todo list

This map is in testing for a long time and nobody was doing something to actually improve the gameplay, so for Ravie and me it seemed like it would never happen. It's not the job of the testers, to rework a 5h+ map. Besides that i assume, that some people would be annoyed by this map (because of it's length and the rather boring repetitive parts). For me this map has mostly moderate parts without resets. You don't need to have much skill to go through this map, just some consistency. As always a decline doesn't mean that you can't rework the map, so Ravie and me agreed on the decline. I also thought about other solutions like releasing it on a fun server or releasing it on a Brutal server with 0 points for it, but those solutions don't seem helpful from my perspective. I can imagine that people would get upset, if this gets released, too. I saw some people who definetely wouldn't enjoy this map, even insane players, so please don't make it look like we are not caring for the community, because that's not the case.


i reset it because it seemed like players wanted the map released, didn't really take too much of a good look at the map

i agree that gameplay rules should apply equally to maps even if some people want it, but the first bits of the map didn't seem all bad to me, if you think the rest of the map is sloppy i'll take a look later and see how it is

if people get annoying, just dont play the map, there are already a lot of maps that are annoying af for me and other people, I just dont play them and i dont complain because maybe another player likes it


there is jk

and i mean i'm not going to complain saying don't release the map just because i don't like it, i just said what i think about those maps but i don't care if they are released


So you are saying that complaints don't mean anything, because they are not meant serious?

No he says that everyone likes different maps and every map will be liked by a base of players x)

So we shouldn't listen when people complain about "bad" maps?


I mean, i could just repeat myself. My point is that people will always complain, no matter what happens. If we ignore some complaints, that would be weird for me.

Well u dont need to ignore them but tkae them into consideration. But as u see a lot of ppl here want to rls the map, isnt that a reason to rls it for the community u care about? o:

imo there still needs to be quite a bit of fixes if u want release since some of this map is not well mapped / boring parts

@Welf@Ravie@louismake screenshots from all the parts u think are bad or not enjoyable or what else and let
@ᶰ°Konͧstiremap/change them or the most of it and he can post it again.

Ravie dont want to put effort in that because in his opinion doing a new map will be easier

Maybe welf and louis post screenshots

basically what konsti says about ravie, fits to me, too

maybe louis does

Welf would say that about every team 0 basic map

im not gonna sit thru a 5 hour map and press f10 200 times

ill just give some examples


I can change those parts but it wont chance the fact that its super long, like it would become even longer

length is not a problem if the map was good, but this is a very long map and most of it is bad

did you see my map Comeback?

i can say the same about Behemoth

wtf behemoth is cool it has that cool dragon thing too

The "gores" parts are just boring fillerparts :O

if i look at ur map in full it looks bad and if i look at behemoth it looks good maybe that is what Ravie means with bad although that doesnt affect the fun playing a map imo 🧐

Amazing behemoth filler part, btw lady saavik complained about the same thing on ton2

what are those green pills

No idea

u missing the point monster girl

lady saavik was complaining about the same thing because the map had a lot of them

it's not the case on behemoth

Can we stop talking about Behemoth?

dont need to compare to rlsed maps cause u cant unrls them O:

@monster girlAmazing behemoth filler part, btw lady saavik complained about the same thing on ton2
yea and I can complain here too

testing team agreed on declining this


Very sad moment



A massive map like this which Konsti must have put really much work in at least deserves an explanation
Not to mention that Genericore 8 was released simply because it was that long in testing because „it would be lame to not release it after such a long time in testing“
Additionally the community seems to want the map released so how is it not worth trying to improve it?
Length shouldn‘t be a problem since this map can easily be splitted

I Wanna Play this wtf Its a Good map and a lot of Fun With More Players

they don't even given a good reasons, just said "testers don't want this map" and they can't even play on insane server xd

A massive map like this which Konsti must have put really much work in at least deserves an explanation Well we are declining alot of maps and it's always sad, because of the wasted effort. If you scroll up, you can read our reasons. Not to mention that Genericore 8 was released simply because it was that long in testing because „it would be lame to not release it after such a long time in testing“
I am not sure if we should repeat this reason for a release. I am skipping through the thread of Genericore 8 and i don't see anybody talking about a decline? For me it looks like nobody wants to test this map. Additionally the community seems to want the map released so how is it not worth trying to improve it? It would take much time to improve the map. Konsti would have to basically replace alot of parts with better parts, which would be alot of work for him, too. It doesn't need a tester to rework this map. I don't see why we should spend our time on a map that wont get played that much anyways. Especially if we don't even like the map. As mentioned earlier, Konsti has the option to rework the map on his own (or with help of other players). Length shouldn‘t be a problem since this map can easily be splitted Idk if length is an issue (some say yes, some say no, for me it is an issue). Idk, if Konsti wants to split his map.

@Kenzoothey don't even given a good reasons, just said "testers don't want this map" and they can't even play on insane server xd
Oh cmon, we were giving reasons and now you pretend that we didn't. That's just not honest. If you want to help at map testing, you can always do that.

of the mapper put into the work why cant testers make alot of screenshots

there are more testers

than just 1

or u guys just going to decline it and say its bad

Yall acting like this is the worst map ever created

now that's a weird suggestion, splitting the testing seems weird (because of inconsistency) and also as mentioned we don't want to test this map. You can help at reworking the map, if you want.
@sen pa' 〄𖤐you can say that on any declined map lol

@Welfi will

but give it another reset so i dont waste time?

Since reworking this map requires alot of time, i suggest to rework this map outside of dc and then re-submit the map. I can't promise, that your rework will be enough. Consider that before investing your time.

oh reworking

i tought just search for boring/ badly mapped parts

Did you see the map



it's big


i am willing to spec a map for 2 hours

you would need to change fundamental things about the map to make it releasable and it would end up pretty much a different map

(ive never finished an insane map either) but imo insane maps shouldn't be reallyyy long, because it is really frustrating failing 50% of map with 120 min knowing there is another 50% of map with maybe even more than 120min, now combine them with the bad parts well u know....

I indeed see helpfull feedback here. Im gonna do something when i have the time for it Dont know yet how it will look, anyway thx

Its actually the intended way to fall in The gap

oh, i mean u can skip it then if u press d ^^

and u can throw ---> afterwards

yes i know but thats ok :D

wtf testers??? that's a joke, isn't it? this map has more community approval than maps like Heartcore 2, Redefined 2 or Shawker and they were released anyway, and i don't want to say that these maps are bad, because it's still subjective and everybody can decide for himself if he likes a map or not. You released the above mentioned maps for a target audience of ~6 players and you don't want to release a map that is played 5 times as much as the above mentioned maps combined.
And yes the map should be improved and refined in some places, but please with the help of the community and testers who know how to map a good Team 0 map.
It's just ridiculous how some people here believe to represent the will of the community.

Mb u all who crying RELEASE!!! will help him instead of crying here that testers are bad? There need too much work that’s why it declined but u guys free to help him with that
@<BµmM>maps u mentioned have much more quality than this, if map is good but not a lot of ppl have enough skill to finish it is reason not release it? This is ur logic? Shocktsunami is very low quality map even for a t0 map, I played the whole map and my emotions were where the fucking end. A lot of super basic hammerfly which becoming more and more boring to do every time(even mapper agreed on this), same about hh only thing I liked is his 500 iq parts

map is lit go release

I never said that testers are bad. I just said that it is hypocritical not to release this map because there is supposedly no one who wants to play it.
Who decides if a map is good or not? People who can't manage to map a good Team 0 map themselves? Also, it seems to me that this map is not made for being played in Team 0 every day like Stronghold or Back in Time. I think it's more like a map that's just fun to play and talk in discord at the same time like Shockwave.
As you can see from the comments there are many good players in Germany and Chile who would play the map. Also I never claimed that the map is perfect as it is and yes you have to rework some parts. I just did that and denounced the arrogance of many a tester.

Did we (testers) say, that nobody wants to play this map?


now how about you read why the map is bad and not take the opening words way too literally

it was just my assumption that nobody wants to play a bad map like this, the map is still bad and bad maps don't get released

As I mentioned before, you don't have to like the map, it is enough if a large part of the community likes it. Besides Konsti can still change and improve parts.
And whether a map is good or bad is still subjective, many people prefer this kind of map to your supposedly high quality maps that almost nobody plays.

it's not about liking the map, I explained why it's objectively bad from a mapping point

I don't look at 'community approval' when deciding about a release, I look at the map

silex u should become a comedian

louis u should become a pro mapper

u should too
it's fun


Then maybe you should revise the "standards" if you don't pay attention to what the community wants.

it looks like they want more novice maps

@<BµmM>I never said that testers are bad. I just said that it is hypocritical not to release this map because there is supposedly no one who wants to play it.
Nobody said that?
Who decides if a map is good or not? People who can't manage to map a good Team 0 map themselves? After playing hunded hours on back in the days maps , back in times i guess i know something about team 0 maps, and Ravie already made good team 0 map Also, it seems to me that this map is not made for being played in Team 0 every day like Stronghold or Back in Time. I think it's more like a map that's just fun to play and talk in discord at the same time like Shockwave. "just fun to play and talk" it goes for any map lol team 0 or whatever it is
As you can see from the comments there are many good players in Germany and Chile who would play the map. These good players didnt even play the half of map im pretty sure, there always will be someone who will like any map, with this logic u can just release any map because most of the people dont really care what to play, if u want to ur map being released on ddnet u have to follow current standarts u should understand that after playing here for so long

ravie said that
No lol, there are some maps that I don't like and therefore I don't play them because I don't like them.
I tested the map for the first time over a year ago, like some others. Besides, there are not only two players who like the map, if you scroll up you can see who has already reacted and commented here in the thread.

ravie said that
Ravie already explained what it was supposed to mean No lol, there are some maps that I don't like and therefore I don't play them because I don't like them.
how is it related to what we are talking about I tested the map for the first time over a year ago, like some others. Besides, there are not only two players who like the map, if you scroll up you can see who has already reacted and commented here in the thread.
there always will be someone who will like any map, with this logic u can just release any map because most of the people dont really care what to play, if u want to ur map being released on ddnet u have to follow current standarts u should understand that after playing here for so long
look, its not like this map is gone forever

we're just asking him to fix some stuff that will make it repetitive

once he fixes the map, he can resubmit and we'll test it and if it's good it'll be released

- ok maybe you will understand if I describe it differently. Your standards are not what most players want to play.

- and of course people are fussy about what they play, i hardly know anyone who plays just about anything.

just look at the last rls

a lot of people dont like oldschool and simply dont play it

I agree that ravie standards is high but this map is super far from it

Ravie's standard isnt what most players want to play

You said people don't like oldschool while defending an oldschool-like map



this isnt oldschool

when i wrote that i thought about Tremor

konsti loves oldschool maps and doesn't even use tp, because he doesn't like features

so from my perspective i can call shocktsunami oldschool-like

map standards arent about what the map is like (t0 or whatever) its about how its mapped

so standards dont equate to what ppl want to play

its more about how it is mapped and if it follows basic rules

But he is the tester lead not from nothing, ravie standards is different topic to discuss, this map is just simply bad

so if someone makes a badly mapped map but still fun it wont get rls d?

louis then show konsti what he should do better...

Omg so shit laptop I can’t answer so fast

there arent many badly mapped maps that are very fun but yes, we should make sure maps meet standards before we release them or else it would set a precedent

fun is subjective, people can have fun on super shit maps but that doesn't mean we should release a shit map

i'll test this soon if you guys insist i have to point out every error, or me and konsti can go over the map together later if he wants, but it seems konsti is aware of what he should change

fun is subjective, people can have fun on super shit maps but that doesn't mean we should release a shit map Exactly

and it's not that we dont want the community to have fun, it's just that we should have a standard for all released maps and all future maps as well before we release them

then change your standard and release maps for the people and not for the ego

it seems like a few of you dont care about the community

@louisfun is subjective, people can have fun on super shit maps but that doesn't mean we should release a shit map
and this is pure arrogance.

Let’s release ddmaxlike maps because community like it

It’s became like talking to a wall

nobody liked ddmax maps

just because you don't like a map doesn't mean that it sucks

I like

just because you don't like a map doesn't mean that it sucks
Just because u like a map doesn’t mean it not sucks

lets start trolling

Not trolling sorry if u offended by that smile

@Welfkonsti loves oldschool maps and doesn't even use tp, because he doesn't like features
My GetSpeed series uses a lot of Cps and switches

im pretty sure i can lead this map away from boring basic parts but it will still be super long like the longest map on DDNet, wouldnt this be Still a problem Because usually u lose interest after playing hours straight xd

I want to mention that nothing holds you back from hosting the map on a trashmap server, if you want to play it with some friends. Also i want to mention, that different testers have different viewpoints. I think we should upload maps, if players have fun on them and that this is an important criteria (well we don't want to get flooded by uncreative maps ofcourse). I think that an important thing about this map is that people would get points for it. Players feel annoyed by "bad" maps they only play because of the points. That's why i suggested the fun server for this map, but that would be weird somehow xD

Yeah but mb it would be good idea to split it like Freezestyler after u make less boring basic parts
This map isnt the kind of maps people play feeling punished just to get points, the kind of maps u think are this annoying random part maps u have to try 100times (not perfectly made heartcore parts) for example the end of Damage is super frustrating

I don’t remember structure clearly not sure if it even possible to split

its pretty much possible to split it vertical

I dont know what ill do yet

But i can understand that this map can lead to Frustration only because of length and then might fail after 5h

Vertical not horizontal*

@Ravieit's not about liking the map, I explained why it's objectively bad from a mapping point
Springlobe 3 4q 4u Falling down Generic World Nether Shockwave Ton All of those have similarities with shocktsunami: -It has a generic style that everyone can appreciate -From faily / difficulty standpoint, it is clear, that this map is insane 1-2* -Noobfilter has nothing to do with the fact, that the map's meaning is to confuse you, take the wrong route, or wait on a spot, where you need to be freezed.

-Bugs with deathtiles are one of the reasons I'm not gonna accept it, since it can be changed.

springlobe 3 generic style

take out the design and you can see it

aka. entities off


-It has a generic style that everyone can appreciate

like mapping style

pls ban cellegen from whole testing section for avoid those senseless discussions

i thought springlobe 3 was a big collab, mapping style isnt rly generic

i've wrote all the convo here, and all i did see is complaining about the map, but with no actual reason

"it's not viable from a mapping standpoint" EXACTLY WHERE

point out parts, bugs or anything


It's not like you guys didn't release any generic maps, because it's good for mapping standpoint, but because it's playable and fun

with that stupidity out of the way

please rate the map, with the right reasons and evidences, im fucking tired on making convos like this, cuz this is fucking rare, that testers cannot do their job

did u even look at the map

it's scientifically proven that insulting testers makes the map better

I fucking designed it idiot


some of it

I agree with cellegen. Yes, the map can be really boring after doing hh/hf for hours, but also the map isn't badly mapped. you are saying it doesn't meet the standards, but why? because it has filler parts? I don't see why should konsti's effort with this map should go to waste.

cellegen Designed the fonts, the main part was Designed be me and Starkiller

can u say which parts u meant to be 500IQ parts? So i can work with that

I guess he was talking about the hold a and jump parts xD

Dummy drag best

why work with that? i said i liked these parts, and its the parts coke forced u to add tutorial to each of such part

thats the parts ravie hated

those parts are controversial, too xd

Ddnet is lost

No, just look at this channel It's a proof itself of how many people love this game and can argue on already closed-topic for hours straigth

go save this map before it gets the chop

like i wouldnt have my own map saved

any map that was uploaded to this discordserver can be found in the archive btw

Send link

it's in

(of course only archived maps are there and not maps that are in testing)


of course*