this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules




who wanna play all these parts

too short $decline

I would just take good parts remake them and ad it in good map . i see you changed parts , but even seeing 2nd part looks hard for novice players ( my opinion ) 1st also hard , but also sooooooooooo small space to move around ....

also skip up

I’ll try play through this map love tomorrow and give my thoughts etc as I play I guess

If that’ll be useful for you you can watch / join
Any one else who wants to join and play it aswell then u can!

gl finishing inpossible part

Skip with practice mode if I need


Bro just make small map but good, not long bad and boring, something better than that

I dont test it but, by 2 screenshots what sent texnonik i can say map bad and boring :D.

Just by looking at the map, I can tell that some parts of it aren't even tested.

I finish this map before publish

Sorry for bad moments in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8-TrQSNy-g

I'll try add timecodes on this video

2:55 hours


Yep 🔥

post to oldschool


in oldschool map pool can be maps that maked before ddnet

43 part need for changes, i think

I think this way will be hard for realize

You can go both tele 5, and with lot of skill skip 10-15 seconds 👍

Timecodes to video added

*fix tiles

If You record the game (obs, bandicam or whatever), I'll be happy to take a look 🙂 It would be a really interesting experience! Or, if possible, i can just get by with a demofile))

I’ll be doing it on twitch! I can then send you the recorded document after!

I’ll start it soon

heres the vod if youre interested

its my raw reaction to stuff etc but i did have fun playing the map :D

that being said i dont think it will be accepted due to everything said during playing etc

What the

please don't make the maps too fucking long.

Having a few super long maps in a category is fine but these maps should be especially good to not be boring

in 28:28 my bad I didn't put "turn off entities"

Many parts are quite easy if you know how to go through them

I uploaded a video with timecodes for each part

you must make suer you do this whenever necessary :D

wait i already seen and tested this map, it had been decline right ? or spend to much time in waiting maybe, anyway i don't see the point of doing ultra long map in novice, the only time player finish this type of map is when they are much better than novice + when i see all those entities and with the memories i got from the testing, they is no interest of releasing the map. biggest problem is just entities and gameplay


it was remade + uploaded

but its essentially the same as before

yep i can see that, just by looking it's decline

if i can had something, for novice map or even low moderate, utralong map are bad, try to use basic game tile, and not 1000000 switch/ speeders... try to give a structure to the part for a good gameplay/flow, and a good structure for the entire map

he made a lot different parts

Bro... look at the map we are in 2023 we can rls, i can check a random part i will find 3 switch 10 stoppers to make a simple part

maybe if teams were used with /save and /load on this map

The gameplay is also just old school stuff for all parts super unbalanced and way too tight with space

With more experience I believe the mapper could make something great but I think this one is not jt

The logo is nice tho

No . I mean you sayd you seen it and test it . But i looked first parts and they were new . Only that

It doesnt matter, you can still tell the map is very oldschool just by looking at the preview

And what are the criteria of the newschool, what should I focus on?

Cant really comment on every part there but others have already pointed out a lot of stuff

I played the whole thing over the course of 2 hours and he is correct

Yea, i played with bomf for a bit Every part is a mess Way too much going on and it's just confusing then some parts are just way too difficult for a newbie

It's good map. I love long maps xD The mapper's hard work to make this map should not ignore

For me it’s not the length that’s the problem but the parts

If you can make a 2 hour map filled with great parts then yes I think ez accept

Unfortunately I don’t think this is it

What should I add or remove? Or just remake some parts for moderate players and publish as [Moderate]?

i would recommend just make a new map

The parts are way too complicated and often quite difficult for a novice

i think regardless of what you do with this one it will not be released unless you put years of work into it

i would also recommend starting with moderate maps as the parts are more easy to balance in that difficulty

and it seems like youre making moderate parts anyways

also i would recommend changing the design back to the first design you made it was much easier to look at and way less confusing

You mean "generic only"?

just whatever u did last time ig

Last version of this map is "generic only"


I can recolor entities, or add some descriptions on parts

ill take some screenshots and then demonstrate my issues with them

1 second

literally part one

theres just so much extra unnecessary things added

In the last map, on the contrary, they complained to me that the design was too bad

has anyone got a link to the last version of this channel

i remember the design being what people liked

I can give link on video walktrought

I have only this

this part aswell

look at how much stuff is on here in entities its too much

I love it

also purple is not a colour you should use for this style it looks weird

I can recolor

i would recommend recolouring

heres another example

this also goes into another point of

do you really think novice players would understand how to play this?

just make it a solo and an unsolo you dont need all this extra random garbage

this part is cool

the entities are too much once again whats with all the lines etc


and because you do it like this it means the entities arent alligned

it looks unprofessional

why would you ever do it like this where people can just

miss the regain hookor regain ability to hit players

also its not alligned

none of them are

parts like this confuse me i dont understand the point of them

- if they allign to the wall they will have to move mid air

In a normal solo, what annoys me is that all the other players disappear from the screen, and often you have to press pause to either find out about the progress of another player, or simply learn from a partner how to pass this or that part

due to such

this solves your problem here with one button

if you have to learn how to pass a solo part its not a good part

Okay, here you convinced me)

especially if you have to learn from someone else who may also be doing it wrong


my main problems are entites are too complex and parts are imbalanced

which are fixable but it will take so much work and you will need to literally remake the map to do it correctly

which is why i just suggest making a new one

I don't understand what is wrong with these lines?

i dont think i need to comment on this part for a novice map

its too much and it looks like an old school map

go to any novice map uplaoded in the past year and then go to any oldschool map

which one does your map look more like

This part is just to activate the buffs in the finish lobby lol

yea i figured as much

the last thing i would recommend is increasing the space for tees in all parts and giving more room

especially in novice maps

which is also why i suggest making a new map as adding more space to all parts would take so long for this map lul

whats tp 65 for btw

I can try to stretch the map (put all the parts next to each other from left to right) so that I can easily edit the size of the parts

65 do nothing just a forgot delete this

i think this map is really not going anywhere

you may try this if you would like but

i think making a new map will be much less time consuming and much easier/better for you


pipou_tw 06/09/2023 7:20 PM
The design is simple (not considering the "tips"), which is good


the only person i saw who didnt like it was misstrip

agree, not only moving parts of the map is painful but you will also have to do it multiple times to allign after adding more space and im not even talking about remaking parts it would really be faster and easier to map from start and adding space along the way + you would be able to keep your old map as a reference (tho copy only the general structure and not the complexity of parts)
