"Snowy claw" by fen1x [Novice]
DDNet 05/17/2023 9:01 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

DDNet 05/17/2023 9:01 PM
Xleboook 05/17/2023 9:02 PM

Wow, testing started) I didnt think so)

gerdoe 05/17/2023 9:03 PM

as i can see from preview, map is kinda... short and... boring

Xleboook 05/17/2023 9:06 PM


Xleboook 05/17/2023 9:07 PM

How to make it nore funny?)

Cøke 05/17/2023 9:16 PM


Xleboook 05/18/2023 5:04 AM

Oke :/

texnonik 05/18/2023 7:03 AM

Я тебе говорил

Xleboook 05/18/2023 7:14 AM
