this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Amazing design

ht looks like design stones

undeep looks like unfreeze

half ht not marked

cps are sometimes marked and sometimes not

bg needs 100% alpha

'good' tele looks like normal tele

the initial parts are suitable for t0, from part 1 on you are only in the way

tons of corner bugs, check map again

We'll make a whole map rework fixing some errors that u said Coke and will make the map larger that would make that the moderate parts will balance with the map if this look longer

pls $decline to send a new map file when we work the new version


np i wait for the next map

Thank you
modern ddmax map

why is this a ddmax map?

i think different players have a different interpretation of "ddmax", so i don't like using that word

It is a ddmax map

Simple dragging and ddmaxy Soloparts