this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

dont wanna be rude, but i dont like map at all. all part like form 2009. boring, basic, no creative, annoyng.
all possible to fix if parts have idea. but here nothing.

wtf guys im srsly

Fixed that freeze. Made 2 space
@Starkillersolo tiles around spawn? On every spawn is 1 solo tile. You spawn in solo. Don't get what u want.

If you spawn at The same Time you can get glitched out

Okay I'll fix that next time if more bugs or changes come

i agree with triki, you tried to make a hh hf t0 map but failed because everything is mapped too tight and there are no creative parts. there are also mapper rules that were not observed..but the map has a nice design

i think there is nothing to fix here, best is to make a whole new map


Well, actually, there is really nothing to fix here. I'm out.

u think its fixable?

@AnqelTVWell, actually, there is really nothing to fix here. I'm out.
impossible to fix cus no have idea. it is (very very very very very )^2 basic ps i like design.
