"Portal" by Chak [Brutal]
DDNet 03/17/2023 12:28 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

DDNet 03/17/2023 12:28 PM
DDNet 03/17/2023 12:28 PM
Ninjed 03/17/2023 7:49 PM

Should be in oldschool

Wartoz 03/19/2023 11:58 PM

The map is full of this kind of corner problem

Wartoz 03/19/2023 11:59 PM


Wartoz 03/19/2023 11:59 PM

The map is full of this kind of corner problem

Wartoz 03/20/2023 12:01 AM

Besides, this map is very oldschool

Жека 03/21/2023 6:17 AM

Thank you for speaking out), the map is really old, it was made in 2017, now I decided to try to do / redo it

Cøke 03/21/2023 10:46 AM

2017 not oldschool xdddd

Cøke 03/21/2023 10:47 AM

It's oldschool when the map was online b4 ddnet exist

Ninjed 03/22/2023 4:44 AM

I have one oldschool map made in 2012, but for some reasons map with that name already released on ddnet 🥲

texnonik 04/04/2023 7:11 PM

very annoying always blinking everywhere on screen

texnonik 04/04/2023 7:11 PM

All holes blinking

Pipou 04/15/2023 8:38 AM

It's called Portal yet half of the map doesn't use said portals

Pipou 04/15/2023 8:38 AM

Or useless ones :

Pipou 04/15/2023 8:38 AM
Pipou 04/15/2023 8:40 AM

You should place a start line all around (see the right side)

Pipou 04/15/2023 8:42 AM
Pipou 04/15/2023 8:42 AM

A solo right after the solo ?

Pipou 04/15/2023 8:42 AM

Without unfreeze and with a giant fall and almost 100 blocks to go left ?

Pipou 04/15/2023 8:43 AM

I'll finish my feedback when I get back

Headshot 04/17/2023 4:19 AM

me peeking through the door peephole:

PapotaV 04/28/2023 7:26 AM


Pipou 04/28/2023 8:34 AM

That map is far from being harmonious and balanced

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:34 AM

It's quite easy yet sometimes you have great peak in difficulty

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:34 AM

Like here for example

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:34 AM
Pipou 04/28/2023 8:35 AM

It's not impossible but too hard for what you are asking people to do overall

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:42 AM

Try to balance the parts so one tee doesn't work more than the other

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:42 AM
Pipou 04/28/2023 8:43 AM

This happens on almost every single part

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:44 AM

Make that part work without the switches. It will be more interesting, more intuitive and more enjoyable to play (entities on or off)

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:45 AM

I can't keep making screenshot for every part

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:46 AM

The portal idea is good, yet you don't explore it at all

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:50 AM

I'd suggest you balance the whole map in matters of difficulty and amount of work for both tees. Try to get rid of switches whenever it's possible (almost always). Try to work around that portal idea more (if that's still your objective), you could have people play around the portals to do the parts (within parts or outside the parts).

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:51 AM

Use a less detailed background and/or change its color so one can clearly see where he's going

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:51 AM

In its current state, it's barely possible to play with the design

nothing_ 04/28/2023 8:52 AM

stop writing stuff nonrelated to testing

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:53 AM

We can't see the solo tile here as well

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:55 AM

See here, I edited it a bit and it's already looking much better

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:57 AM

Don't design so close to the borders of the map otherwise it will repeat itself

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:58 AM

Organise your layers and groups, name them, leave the game group alone (without any other layer within)

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:58 AM

That will help testing a lot

Pipou 04/28/2023 8:59 AM

I'd also opt for English so we don't just waste time understand what is what

Pipou 04/28/2023 9:01 AM

I'm sure it can look better

Pipou 04/28/2023 9:01 AM

Those are far from looking teeish

Pipou 04/28/2023 9:02 AM


PapotaV 04/28/2023 9:13 AM

u are a tester but u don't know how $waiting works? that's kinda funny

nothing_ 04/28/2023 9:18 AM

ur not in position to write $waiting

PapotaV 04/28/2023 9:19 AM

it is related to testing tho

Pipou 04/28/2023 9:25 AM


Pipou 04/28/2023 9:26 AM

No reason to put it in waiting for the mapper when I wasn't done testing it. I won't ask a mapper to work on a map that is doomed to be declined

PapotaV 04/28/2023 9:27 AM
