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Hi so i went through the map, and i came to the conclusion that the map is not worth a released, the main problem is the gameplay, its really basic and bad done, parts dont work 100% of the time making a weird thing. My recommendation would be if you want to do a good map of push sg take a look at welf's maps, piston has some of it to.

srry if i cant be more specific on the feedback, but your map has general problems to say so, like in a structure way


as i said, take a look to different to different maps that use the reverse sg and see how the use it. try to avoid simple parts every time, bring something good and enjoyable

if u have any questions about mapping pls make them in the respective channels as
#mapping#questionsand dont forget to read
#📌infowhere we have the rules for mapping 😄

maybe u did the parts wrong

youre not dead if u touch the shield

i can show you how to do it

some parts are made for thinking

i didnt, are easy to understand

So don’t say it won’t work ???

one thing is to find how they work, and the other one if they work properly

Is it bad cause you need to find out how it works ? On every map are parts u need to think first so I don’t get that point + when something is new like pseudo u need practice it otherwise u will not learn it, it’s the same with this sg

my offer is still left I can show u this part

you are not getting the point, or im not explaining with clarity

the problem is not tha you have to find out how the part works, my 2 of 3 of my dummy maps you have to use brain to do parts

the main problem is how the parts works, they are not nice thats the mostly the situation here

U can speedrun it clear the parts new

Not basic

U don’t want to see how it really works

But say it don’t works good