"Los" by Tapir [Brutal]
DDNet 06/19/2023 8:20 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

1.14 MB
DDNet 06/19/2023 8:20 PM
DDNet 06/19/2023 8:20 PM
draggory 06/19/2023 9:59 PM

Map just looks like a whole lot of filler tbh

draggory 06/19/2023 10:03 PM

Also why in the world is it 1mb

vertezzo 06/20/2023 3:14 AM

What is cps?

vertezzo 06/20/2023 3:16 AM

And how I can add it?

vertezzo 06/20/2023 3:22 AM


vertezzo 06/20/2023 3:22 AM

Idk how I can fix it

vertezzo 06/20/2023 3:22 AM

It's my first map 💀

vertezzo 06/20/2023 3:24 AM

I'm want to fix it cuz I want to see my first map on servers

vertezzo 06/20/2023 3:25 AM

I'll be happy

texnonik 06/20/2023 3:57 AM

it looks like hammer hit parts most of time. Definetly not so bad for first map. I can't map a good brutal, moderate and novice. So i can't tell is it good or not.

draggory 06/20/2023 6:15 AM

I would say increase the length and add in some actual parts to it

coke1465 06/20/2023 12:53 PM

looks like the map was not tested b4 submit

coke1465 06/20/2023 12:53 PM

at the end is not even a undeep

coke1465 06/20/2023 12:56 PM

looks like a big filler with 3 parts and 2 out of it cheatable

coke1465 06/20/2023 12:57 PM

oh i was wrong all 3 parts cheatable bcs in the end no laser needed

coke1465 06/20/2023 12:57 PM

take pls a look at new maps to get an idea what a map needs get released

coke1465 06/20/2023 12:57 PM


vertezzo 06/20/2023 12:57 PM


coke1465 06/20/2023 12:58 PM

design looks ok