this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

You should really take a look at the mapper rules again! there is an incredible amount of design AND gameplay bugs and cheats which make the map unplayable and also there are many generic boring parts like:

design also doesnt look very appealing background way too dark


there is so much to fix

too much actually

so u should read the mapper rules again and test all ways of ur own map before submitting it because many didnt even work or were completely skippable

many didnt even work or were completely skippable

which ones

Oh, okay missed the top one, and at the bottom its just a mistake Thanks 🙂

So if I fix this skip, make the ending part a bit more interesting, change the background color, then I can resubmit?

you can always provide a fix here or submit it again i guess but even if you fix those little things there is still so much wrong with this map which is why i said u should read the mapper rules again and test all ways of ur own map before submitting it because all parts arent that special and/or weirdly mapped, so id recommend you to start something new cause there are too many problems on this map

The thing is though, that i have thoroughly read the mapper rules, and thought that my map was compliant with them. I'm willing to change the map, I just don't understand what is wrong with it since you say it very bluntly.

it looks like u didnt read the part where it says to test ur own map tho xd cause u really need to take a look at it yourself and u cant tell me that u cant find any design bugs in there. also gameplay should be special and kinda original while most things in this map are with weirdly placed switches/ddmax-like parts/not working/skippable parts and many speeders which dont make sense and there isnt even a unlock team and kill tile at the end of the map

I agree that I have undertested my map, about the gameplay I tried to make it as original as i could, but in my opinion since im making a map for a game and not a game itself, I do not need to make revolutionary features within a map since that is not really possible in the long run, eventually you would run out of possibilities to make new maps. In music u can hear similar tones and it's still original music.
weirdly placed switches I have marked the switches now, I'm not sure about how to not place them weirdly. there isnt even a unlock team and kill tile at the end of the map The kill and unlock tiles got erased, cause i put em in the wrong layer. Now fixed. many speeders which dont make sense With the speeders i wanted to make it so that the dummy just doesnt pop away and u know where he went, I will remove the first set of speeders on the map and replace them with tp's ddmax-like parts I though ddmax was: "streched novice parts" I don't think that the parts are streched and neither novice. I could be wrong with this meaning tho, but that's the impression i get from ddmax.
Thanks for the feedback! Will fix & test it very thoroughly this time make sure everything works!

Thanks, will change it 🙂

this map not worth to fix, its gonna be much more time to make this playable than just start new one

I'm willing to go through the trouble

I’d suggest taking the good parts off this map and making a new dummy map with better parts

Which ones are good tho?

I didn’t test the map so idk, but I‘m pretty sure someone who did will see this and tell you

I kinda got this clarity state now, i can see a lot of poor choices with the desing so i will perform some major changes.

where did you get the meaning of the kanji? my japanese is not that good and i never played japanese games or something like that, but i find almost none of them in dictionaries

https://jisho.org/ I used jisho.org it was kinda tough to find kanji for english words which are said in katakana, so i had to go through synonyms. Also the fact that some are teeworlds specific made it a bit challenging

sadly i agree with knuski and kicker, its not rly worth to fix

U mean impossible to fix?

so you are not japanese? these kanji seem very odd to me

its the same, fix whole map or create new one

but i prefer a new one

Yes i'm not, I'm gonna try to get some japanese players to translate, and i will throw out the readings off the kanji banners since it is not essential and it can be confusing.

I'm gonna fix the whole map, promise 🙂

u can bring the latters in ur new map <

i think its less work when u start a new map

layers quads, and some parts i wanna keep, for me its easier to continue

i dont think some teeworlds words are worth inventing kanji for, maybe its better to use katakana or direct translations of words

1 a lot of skips 2 repetetive parts 3 different difficulty parts 4 way too big parts just dragging dummy one way (+ repetetive up left down left up ... ( last part ) 5 small amount of parts . 6 some glitches in parts don't work 7 there are two way to get at same place ( two parts going to one part cp12 and cp13)

Thanks for the feedback, i apreciate it!
1 a lot of skips a lot might be a bit excesive, now i know about 1, will see if i find more when i test it (also some are intended) 2 repetetive parts Scratched a few parts gonna change them up a bit more 3 different difficulty parts I'm getting rid of the easier ones, will try to make them all equal difficulty 4 way too big parts just dragging dummy one way (+ repetetive up left down left up ... ( last part ) Yep removed 5 small amount of parts . Can't a map be short? 6 some glitches in parts don't work Will look into it. 7 there are two way to get at same place ( two parts going to one part cp12 and cp13) That is intended, at some places there is a hard way and an easy way
Thanks again will come back in a few days with a patch 🙂

I know
@Im 'corneumdummy maps are short , but they are so cool when he makes short dummy maps .
I am making coop map and i have more parts then you and i think it's still short

I mean a first time player on the map could take around 10-15 mins finishing this, i dont think that every map needs to be 30min +

first time player will not able to finish 1st part

on the map


first time on this map in particular

if he is good then he will do it , if not then he will leave

yes, thats true with all maps i was aiming for a higher difficulty so im gonna try to change the parts to resemble around high moderate.

Ima rename and redo the japanese side of things, the map will now be Katakana Drag 1 or Kana Drag 1 not sure yet, no point in gluing together some kanji for these words, which doesnt make much sence