this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

qol changes and few corners

fixed few visual bugs and qol changes

the first one is a bug, other screens are visual choices (yet comparing to whole map this can be seen as bugs - ofcourse this are mapper choices if he will change them or not.
the last screenshot i think its a bug but not sure ^^

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

changed wave style, made few qol changes

dunno if u wanna fix this. i measured the time. its almost exactly as fast as normal way

and any other one if they are on the map

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

i think it's better too fix this skip, it's not necessary faster, but kinda weird too skip the part like this. it's not like a fast way or skip in the part, it skip all the part

told him this in the run, he said its okay i think

y i undertand it's not rly faster or full gamebreaking, but just passing next to the part is kinda ridiculous imo.

2 more tiles should be enough i think

he knows this one too xd

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

interresting in general.

told that before ,
@f0rtishkaignoring me

fixed skips listed by VéNa and Knuski above, arranged teles in order and minor changes

Map :lady_beetle: :



minor changes

to keep cold out😼

map design looks insanely cool

Save for dummy to previous part

no look mouse cursor

Transparent water, i wasn't zoomed in

i checked the map in editor with "proof", there is no spot on the map where that transparency would cause issues, but the water (and the waves) should be HD i guess

waves are in hd



fixed funny bug

filled hookables

small balancing adjustments

pretty solid 2* dummy map. most of the parts are pretty common for dummy category but for sure there are some cool parts I liked. looking forward to release

not needed

what is this part in the design?

the 3rd darkest color

It's water and reflections of stars

@f0rtishkaif its water it still needs a bit of texture at the top,

water doesn't just meet the mountain in a 100% straight line

i like the detail though

this is a bit confusing if you're not playing w entities

put freeze above the unfreeze (straight up until ceiling) so players don't try to do some weird thing with wallhammer here

2 ways intended here? i assume so

this part feels a tad underwhelming

since you can just land back on the ground and do it all over again

would be kinda neat to have redo switches on the ground and instead of 3 nades, have 2 (so tee has to do it in one nade jump)

but that might be a bit too complicated and you'd have to expect no dj for the end of the part

just an idea if youd prefer it

overall nice map, good job

i feel like design would look nicer with a slightly different grass_main color, since the grass and the hookables kinda have similar colors

but its not that important

why not make this tele a bit wider? like at least 2 or 3 blocks (up to you)

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

added cp at part 18, fixed skip

mountains in high detail

give this solo better flow

then ready imo ?

didnt really look for 'small skips', didn't notice any big ones


Tested with Welf. Hopfefully ready soon 👍

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

what is your resolution? mountain covers every resolution properly according to proof function

i guess you could open map in editor and didn't use zoom function

i guess this stuff happens because freezy is using an old client version 😅

1920x1080, Zoom: 8

which client version do you use? i guess this client thing was implemented to avoid those design bugs, so maybe it doesn't make sense to force mappers to fix those bugs in their maps, but well just as a general rule, it's very easy to fix that bug now

15.5.4, bugs should still not appear on older client versions as those are just as official as the current one

how am i supposed to fix and test them? download older client?

Idk I'm not familiar with the recent versions and how it looks like

it looks completely fine, new versions got rid of para zoom and now old version have those issues, nothing i can do on new client with this

No it does not look fine as you can see on the screenshot I sent, you can simply add more mountains on the right and left side of it.

it does look fine on new client version, i don't agree that it should be fixed for old client versions i bet there are some released maps that will look bugged on an old client, do they need a fix too?

i wouldn't consider design bugs caused by para zoom to be 'bugs', but i suggest you still add more mountains to the right (i usually add more than it might seem for my maps since some people play on huge zoom)

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

First ready set by Trial Tester. Map needs to be tested again by an official tester before fully evaluated. Suggested Difficulty Rating:★★☆☆☆

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★★☆☆☆Optimized version attached. Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1258422258049876019/1271484266953310310

added laser blocker in finish so you won't get instantly dragged in tele after finishing, made switches few tiles above for better finishing timing (sorry for post ready update)

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★★☆☆☆ Optimized version attached. Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1258422258049876019/1273949500561686580


k i'll update it on website

your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!

Amber has been set to RELEASED.

@f0rtishkaim fan

really cool map

third time i see this, idk how yall do this :p

is there a demo?

not my run

well i can share demo but u have to search him

27mb 💀

between 1:13:00 - 1:18:00

can't replicate the bug (will try again later) but there's a save too

proably no need for that lower thing

its much more like just a cool thing smh

it wasn't intentional but i'm okay with it

Endless part is confusing

And Tele 10 could be a speeder on the fail edge

Beside the cheats etc, it's ok'ish map, nothing special or new but ok


lines in the background also intentional?

This is skipable aswell


Can go instant to the right on the bottom

i would say, this is again a rushed map

keep ur eyes open, testing group 👀 and take ur time

show me how you do it, hook doesn't go that far up

i don't mind small skips in parts

u skip next part with just a jump into tele

could've just open map in editor and see that it's very much intentional

looks buggy and not well done

its a bit hard, u hammer dummy up left side of the wall and go instant up then bounce

but whatever, i can see nowdays mappers dont care about their maps after release XD

but will still write the issues down in the channels

there are tons of gameplay/design bugs and skips on old maps, but you say nowadays mappers don't care? i don't see this point

not sure which one you talk about, if it's 13 tp i can't replicate it

is it really faster than good completion of intended way though? after bounce you probably have to fall all the way back go up throw dummy up and swing up..

Post-release updates need to be uploaded manually. Please reach out to an administrator.

Optimized version:

Imo if you are going to just come in after the release and lecture other testers about how testing is rushed over these little details it wont make you look good in testers eyes nor the mappers, its just annoying
Idk what happened between you and the testing team but right now it doesnt look like you care about map quality but rather about satisfying a grudge you have against them

There is no way you dont know how tricky it is to fix anything after release so intentionally waiting for that moment to come when you have much experience in testing is weird to me Even then from what I saw most mappers do care about their maps and fix whats possible without doing damage to ranks

He probably just plays the maps on release

im not testing anymore, yes just play the maps at release day and post stuff i see

You also tested my map from what I saw

Im not saying that you cant post complaints after playing the map and experiencing them, but dont make it look like the map had to be in testing for half a year more because of that

not saying that u need half a year for it

take ur time means -> take ur time while testing it and test it multiple times with different ppl, it doesnt need half a year of testing

and time by time the experience will grow and its done faster in future

but thats the only way you get that perfectly fixed map you want all testers who were interested in the map went through it a couple of times and fixed all major and some minor bugs now the only way to spot something is to leave the map in testing for an undefinite amount of time until someone randomly spots that 1 arrow in 1 edge is missing or to have that stuck state occur at the finish

i just said things i spotted when i played it the first time

thats all

you did more than that

for one you have way more experience than a lot of other testers (thats why its weird to me that you cant test the map before release if its that easy for you), what other less experienced testers are supposed to do? look harder or somethin but also ofc there will be a lot of ppl who play the map on release so these little issues will pop up instantly, but they arent essential to a good playing experience

for 99.9% of players who tried the map these bugs/fails didnt happen and you cant make a 100% enjoyable map for everyone anyway at some point you have to stop and say "ok this is good enough", otherwise you will forever look after one more bug that might now even be there

doesnt need fix ig

both 8-9s

optimized version below, wrong message

yeah now i see, that doesn't look how i expected though

skill issue on my side

its not really worth, its harder and not even faster


you answered to the wrong message 😛

they have to be teached by guys who know how to test/ how to rate maps

but thats over, all already left

should i just ignore the issues and let them think it was a perfect rls? xd

they should grow at the mistakes ig

there are also many other tasks in the background they cant finish ig

then just teach... why do you have to tell how rushed their work is every time when 1) it isnt and 2) you know they dont have as much experience as you

imo the current feedback loop is very good - while in testing every major and most minor problems are fixed and testers learn from each other. then the map releases and they can see the tiny problems they missed through players feedback

if youve just posted these problems i would have 0 issues with it. but no, you decide to first come to a testing channel saying youll check testers homework later and when the release does happen you say they did a meh job because they didnt see every possible situation on every part

kinda speaking facts

i think its also a problem of the process, at the time when i joined the team u had to know all of it and u had to be able to ready a map alone, now its 2ppl + it doenst rly matter if skips bugs etc missed (whats rly bad imo) -> maybe thats the reason

i do it when it was poorly done

maybe controversial opinion but small skips inside parts don't make map worse

never said the map is bad

its ok

but already said it b4

i don't speak about this map alone

map : Necron

you said in this channel that this map is rushed. i would argue it cant be considered rushed because of 1 missed fail edge and a skip thats not obvious at all + doesnt even save time in the end (and even if it did it looked pretty cool)

how is it poorly done if the map is perfectly playable

i had the feeling testing was rushed bcs i saw all of it in the first run

2 months from post to already release is not that much btw

please remember that not everyone is you, and the fact that its playable and fun regardless doesnt change

doesn't mean that it wasn't known tho

but was it

u saw there are other players who can find skips easy, its not only me

i was almost sure that skip is impossible, wasn't expecting the execution bumm showed but i knew that it doesn't save time so didn't care much

the map is 5 minutes long with minimal buttons. do you really think it shouldve been in testing twice as long because of what you found?

the kill edge is almost impossible unless you take minimal speed

how long the map is is not a reason to release it faster than other maps

and i wanted to fix the kill edge, didn't want to use speeders for just 1 part and so decided to use them for both fails

so now you are telling me that planet 9 and this map take the same amount of time to test to the same extend? 🤨

often t0 maps are easy and fast to test

i know its long, but simple

educate yourself on constructive criticism, otherwise i will ask the admins to exclude you from the map testing section. at this point its too much negativity for no reason at all and you don't even talk about major bugs just small skips.

ok, so dash dummy also takes the same amount of time to test as this one? stop trying to pretend that every map has the same complexity

dash dummy is already 1.5years old

i talked to soapy, he told me freezy and me were the first who gave some testing feedback xD

so this small dummy map shouldve been in testing for 1.5 years?

what did testers do for 1 year?

was just stuck in testing channel

ye thats my reaction to this convo rn

you say that you dont test maps anymore but then appear on testing servers and testing channels you say that the map was rushed while only providing tiny issues with the map that is otherwise good you say maps length doesnt matter but then monkaS at me when i apply your logic to this map

im not testing, why it looks like testing when i play very rarely on testing server or just play the maps at rls date

1) testing is testing 2) adress other points please

testing is alot more than u think

not just play the map one time


i just point things i saw in the first place

i said testing was rushed, not the map itself (mapper maybe dont know better)

i said all already twice now, will stop here

wait was there any serious issue about the map? i don't remember that i mean i would understand if we had this conversation on dash dummy, where the map needed a fix after the release, but whats wrong here?

testing is when something unintentional is reported, playing a map one time on a test server is still testing and from the looks of it 1 coke test = an entire testing teams test

literally said the map is rushed

i leave feedback at maps that i have already played

i know the map but i havent finished it yet

ok but i mean testing sry

my point was that you are exaggerating

its good that you leave feedback on little problems, but your attitude needs a total rework

please coke just report issues normally next time, i can read a smirk on your face through the screen here i like your maps a lot and dont doubt your testing skills, but if you hyperfocus on tiny things like these more maps will be stuck in testing for years

you don't understand?

why nitpick so much?

map is v solid and fun to play imo

cheats arent that, big of a deal, most are very minor


its just things i saw in the first run as i said xd pretty obv things