
hi bot, how are you





$rate balance=8 flow=4 creativity=5 playability=6 fun=0 design=2 bonus=0

Cool map but this rifle part has to be removed or changed, I dont think that people will like it that much. It destroys the gameplay imo. There is 1 marked freeze missing, I think you put the wrong sign there for sure, people wont know except they change to entities which shouldnt be the case. Overall I don't feel like it's necessary to put this circling part into the map, I am sure something else fits it better.

Really thanks for your testing! i modified my map. the laser part was changed(much easier now) , added some unfreeze(to give player more chance except restart), fixed a skip, and did a big change at the begin of the map. anyway, map is easier now. And i tested all part again to ensure it can works well.☺

Will be a good map if you do what I told you, I think it's solo 3*



i do it now

Added unfreeze, and fixed a skip

thanks for your testing!

$rate balance=7 flow=5 creativity=5 playability=7 fun=1 design=1 bonus=0

wow, thanks for your testing ☺

np cutie

what about the difficulty? how many stars it should be? 😬

date me and i will tell u

ok, you come to China first 😜

ok wait

new spawn

new startline

cant connect to servers



i dont know ,

i can connect chinese servers only now

nice timeout

$rate balance=8 flow=5 creativity=5 playability=6 fun=2 design=2 bonus=0

nice map, solo 4

xD☺ thank you, Kicker

its a looooong time to wait for the map release

there are so many maps waiting for testing

Maps are released based on their quality, and how smoothly the testing goes, rather than the order in which they were submitted


We have priority maps aswell

Of course, for maps that have been in testing for a very long time

😅 ok, now i have started making my new map

the space theme

Remember, that you can only have max 5 maps in testing at one time 😛

i never worry about that , i make map really slowly 😂

but what if you didnt post your own map , but some one else did 🤔


does map have a size limit? 2 MB, 1 MB ? or what is the recommend about map size ?

Nope size limit


recommendation: as small as possible, as large as necessary

it should be reasonable. generally 1mb is a good limit unless the design justifies a larger size. but it’s not hard to cut down the size by improving mapres

i tried to compress the mapres by PS, but it is still 1.7mb. now i am trying another way

you can reduce the resolution of the mapres

but i wanna keep the high quility

i am trying

remove unused tiles from tilesets

combine tilesets (although idk if that does anything)

how about 1.3mb ? i think i can compress it to 1.3mb

or maybe 1.1mb

well I have to see the map 🤓

wait, i can show you one screenshot, 😜 and i think its not bad

yea the moon is the issue I guess



well, that kind of graphic will always be large in png, true

i am trying to draw another moon




Actually 1mb is a lot for a map, only maps with really advanced design, or poor mapres management get that big

this is a Short and Small and Simple map, please test it !

you're cute

$rate balance=8 creativity=7 flow=6 playability=6 fun=3 design=2

cool map

thank you!

a bit change about logo

remove going-through-stopper bug use


well or leave it, but don't be surprised when it doesn't work anymore one day

acuallly i didnt find this bug after many times my play and the tester's play. but i still did the change, i changed the part where i guess the bug may exist in.

replaced most stoppers to unhookable tiles

I don't know if I did right.

btw, i can make map with the teleport gun? i didnt find any map with this feature except that 2 maps for testing

It's officially in the game, with entities and everything, so I guess you could

😊 thank you!

"2 maps for testing" you implied yourself that the feature is still in testing

I'm not responsible for it, but I think they're still in beta

You are able to make maps with it already so why not?

you should talk to some dev

well sure, but I guess he wants to have it on ddnet


But if devs didn't intend for people to make maps with it they wouldn't have made it fully accessible in the editor in official client

if you have further questions about it, ask in
#developer. this channel is for rush clouds

😅 well, ok

why do you want everybody to fix kill or stopper bug abuse parts? if it was just about bug-abuses you shouldn’t allow the sg-bugs,..., as well

sorry bit, lil off-topic, hope you’re ok with that^^

because heinrich is going to fux kill tiles and stoppers


i remember many maps in that you need to bug through stoppers?

even oldschool ones

he fixes only that u cant go full through it anymore

ok thanks, would prefer a vote about those fixes...(nice bugs imo)

what is the kill tile bug? i know the stopper bug

you can fall through kill-tiles without getting killed

need speed? i think the teleport-tile has same bug ( or feature xD 🤔

yes you need some speed, depends on the speed if it works (too much speed could kill you as well), you cant skip tps 😄

Pretty sure u can skip tps

On everdeen

you cant

there is a part with a famous bug where u go through a tp

you can fall into a tp under it, ye, but not skip it

if a tele has 2 layer. (up layer is for example tele 20, down layer tele 21.) u can glitch through tele 20 into 21 with some speed

oh okay

or with ninja through a tele

alright i see


also u can bug with sg through 1 tile tele i guess, and the other tele can be for example 50 tiles higher and u get into it instead of 1st one

but u cant fall through it

god, now i feel sad for bit because i made his topic being spammed


we can delete all comments

we can if u want ye
oh, why? will jao punish me?😱

no , he will punish me Syltoox and Freezestyler D:

😂 scary jao

he wouldnt punish me

he ehrenmann

didnt test gameplay

I love your fog and logo btw 😄

thanks your advices, I gonna fix it later😬

fixed a entity bug, did some design changes

use the jetpack as speed-up because that symbol make me feel like a bit speed up. 😅

the moon (in fact that tile's name is sun xD) doesnt fit very well, but i have no idea about making it better. maybe need some sunlights? 🤔

maybe the 'jao moon' fit better? 😜


well idk, jetpack tiles are really not the best, better use normal freeze tiles with other color for deep

i would remove the moon/sun completely 😄

but feel free to add the jao moon XD

just remove the sun, i didnt realize it



changed the speed up design

the issue with deep marking wasn't the color, but that you use the common start-line marking for it. now that you changed it to green, it looks even more like a start-line



ye, everything except the startline looks nice now 😄

u didnt mark jump here

i gonna try to make it better,

maybe u should place it in the orange rectangle

is jump marking needed? sounds like something you will realize intuitively

so people will know they receive dj

i failed because i didnt know there is dj, and i had to use entities to know that

ah kk

the maps feels like it can get cheated, was close to it but havent done it yet, ill keep looking tho

looks pretty good

omg, jao can praise

ye that’s fine

😬 i am happy

$rate balance=6 creativity=5 flow=6 playability=5 fun=2 design=3

i like the idea of your map but doesnt look very creative for me. its just normal i found ur design interesting especially i like the background because it fits to the map, markings are nice and logo is nice too and all colors fit together fun 2, because so many edgejumps isnt really fun for me. since its a short map and i could play almost to finish u get fun 2

omg its a flower

$rate balance=8 flow=6 creativity=7 playability=6 fun=3 design=1

nice map

thanks to your advice !

i did some change about wut you told me

thanks for you test! ☺

changed some part

fixed a entity bug and compress the size

659 kb -> 531 kb

well design is cool

but i didn't even find how to do the begin


I needed 15+ minutes to find out the beginning isn't like Lawliet https://ddnet.tw/ranks/solo/#map-Lawliet

(where you have to press keys in freeze)

nvm, it happened on an old version when the sun was hiding the 1 tile gap at the beginning

Hm idk

$rate balance=7 flow=9 creativity=6 playability=6 fun=2 design=3

good flow because of arrows, but these arrows reduce playability aswell

rly like the design, simple and clear, with that smoke/clouds stuff

hmmmm, like edge jump. but cant stay on edge. Idk , I think the beginning isn't confusing, go right through the freeze but don't touch it, then fall down to get start line

thank you!!!☺

Yeah now that Jesus shows me it look pretty obvious , but i'm stupid u know so i didn't foudn it alone

i'm not good enough to play the map but i'd see Jesus playin the map and i would've the same ratings at him

hmm, maybe. 🤔

lol 😂

this is not funny :c

cheat found by Blurry


Is that possible?


u fall from stopper, take speed from arrow and dj right before freeze


I am gonna fix it now

fixed a skip

$rate balance=8 playability=6


The map scored all required points! It only needs to be checked by a
now to be released



Sorry but making this "cheatproof" when you have rifle is basically impossible on this map, i think you have to change that again

I tried some stuff around, i believe i still have some time to check it before the release. I came quite close to cheating the start and I'll have to look at other stuff too. cycle-maps with speedups, freeze and rilfe just scream "cheat me" 😄


i will change it. maybe i can replace most freeze with deep

oh yeah, deep would work. Didn't think of that^^

ye, thank you so much for testing☺

Replaced most freeze with deep to avoid skip. Did some detail adjustment.😋

everything cheat-proof now?

seems good to me

no bugs anymore, rls it 😜

map logos shouldn't be HD

start and finish line colors could be a bit more saturated

i saw the logo of Bomb Raid is HD, so i set mine to HD


I would set the "Map by bit" non-HD too

... ok


btw, who upload the map? you or the bot?

if bot upload map, i will update map more frequently😄

the bot uploads it when I add a ☑ reaction


he lie it was me



ok so ready 4*


feel free to post updated map versions tho, uploading is no effort and it makes testing more effective if you tell us what u changed

☺ ok~, i know it now

4? 3* should be fine imo

ninjed also said its 4*

we can always adjust it after the release if it turns out to be too high, so I would stay with 4* for now