why is it 1.64 mb now


what was it before

btw turn on design and map sounds c:

then turn them off cuz entities is probably better anwyays

idk if there are any more skips

there are probs some, cant catch em all

if any testers need help with parts feel free to ping me in this channel

My sound has been off for 8 years 😁

shirlds before cp 4 are easy skipable

oh right

after 2hrs music starts to desync

some fixes for skips + desing


and fixed some armor

first part works terribly and audio isn't looped

made first part like it was nothing, looked easy when he did it o:

idk even if I get the nade right I can only sometimes jump in time

ye audio isnt looped perfectly but i alr spent 2 hrs on it so its okay if theres a 20 millisecond gap

if it annoys ppl i guess i can cut everything

also 1st part just time it correctly

theres no trick

ill fix the tele to freeze fade thing

how are u doing 1st part

u need 2 rockets to start

yeah but half of the time I land too far > and can't jump over the tele dicks in time

and in the audio it's not just some tiny cut, it's obviously just not looped

at least on finish it's really obvious

also the seizure tele in the last part is just terrible

yeah finish is obvious

ill make it less seizure and more breathing lol

also i think ur doing first part hard, i can get on soon

i'll try to fix the audio at finish

todo: stuff ravie said try to make cp 1 smoother jump refill behind laser

corners on last part


im gonna have to leave this map on a lan server for like 3 hours to make sure my new audio files dont desync

ok well i can get it to 2.5 microseconds off the envelope time so it should be good

is it worth cutting down filesize

rn its about 1.6mb


if anyone wants to test gameplay with me just ping me here

maybe balance cp5 by making it harder?

any opinions on difficulty of cp 5

i should have fixed everything that i mentioned

audio is impossible to fix i think

at least idk how

ive tried editing the audio to perfectly loop (which it pretty much does), but ah well

its only really noticeable at the end and even then, i don't think the player will spend too much time at the end

the audio is not 100% fixed but oh well, it's too late to fix every single file + envelope anyways

it was the first time i tried something like this, hopefully my next map is a lot better c:

tests would be appreciated, but i think it's close to ready

how did file size go from 1.6 mb to 2.73 mb

maybe you used a different bitrate when converting to opus?

hm maybe i rendered at 512 kbps and went down to 96 i think xd

so it should be less

i think it's because i added a sound file or two

3mb for such small map?! There are people that need minutes to download this because they have bad ping everywhere

small =/= short

its not like they're downloading a map for 5 minutes to play a 10 second map

i mean i'd say the average time would probably be >20min

even so, i'm going to cut down the filesize

I guess sound files are just that big, but try to keep it as low as possible

then what can i say when you see millions of people downloading AAA games that have over 100gb

btw as long as the map's not laggy, size wont matter

fake news

cool map!


i decided not to change too much audio, they're already pretty small imo, i just have a lot of audio in this map so it'll be a little big

unless anyone finds more bugs/skips, i think this map is ready

im just gonna make sure music doesn't desync

btw i hope ppl agree this map is 4*?

NVM im changing cp 5

nevermind, huge skip from sg part to end found by


you can remove basically everything except 1 tile from your entities, nobody will steal and use it anyway


ok i will fix
@Lady Saavikthaanks

except last

no u, it's 200kb for nothing

actually i'll change last

but not too much

ok you can keep 2 of them

what no

what if i want 3

3 is the perfect amount for any repeating move



fixed i think


k aall fixed

wait nvm

any testers wanna do a final test

i think its ready

not ready yet i have to fix the end of cp 2 someday

the mapper hasn't responded in a while. Consider $waiting?

stop afk pls

if i map this i will be afk tester but if i test it i will be afk mapper


y did you join tester in first place

map is hard, i have to admit that, so my gameplay test wasnt that good as i'd like

but all parts look possible, im sure mapper already tested that

it looks fine, challengin with good design and music

it fits with the map

the mapper hasn't responded in a while. Consider $waiting?


ill fix it later

cus someone tested

Mapname suggested by will smith?

i nerfed first part by one tele

no u

(maggi found it actually)

And omg this music is amazing


Should be rdy now, 4* solo


$ready 4

cool parts


Rls never

Its ready so , it will be released . Wait soon new year , maybe there will be a lot of maps released in one day or every day one map . That will be cool .


13 more and next month could release new map every day

What is then still special when a new map comes every day. I think 3 a week is enough

part 3 ruins map so hard

do u mean part 3 or cp 3


Nice map xd With Skip

delete this shit map

shitest u added to solo mode

says the person who made 4 maps with the same shotgun parts


my maps aren't 4 secs

and only 2.0 version is shit

this map is unplayable

ye just turn on ur bot then it'll be playable

bot won't help to this map

it is just trash

ur map is 4 secs even without bot

ye 4s when u cheat xd

You made skips not me


stop making open maps

stop making maps

then nobody can cheat or complain

thats what i do

shit map btw

delete map

or i make stop over 5

stop over best solo maps

mad cuz bad

i made stop over 5 a half year ago xd

release telephone


mad cuz map bad*

map isn't bad, it's shit

when submit
need to rework it

i already played stop over 5-7

and i'm not rly active last time



best map

tee swap best map

if aoes trash aim maps got released 15 times, you can do atleast 10 stop overs

Stop over 23 soon

u're right lol!

haven't played it yet

its declined

gonna finish stop over 5 today

do stop over duo, you both have to arrive at certain points to get further and if not fail

We thought about such idea with gdin year ago

but i'm lazy to make smth like that

ye it needs a lot of testing for sure xd

or just imagine duo solo maps

it seems like i can't map with touchpad