"Winter_Is_Coming" by Imperius [Moderate]
DDNet 01/08/2022 11:50 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

perrodecerro 01/08/2022 11:58 PM

map name already exist

TearlessAbyss46 01/09/2022 1:17 AM
Cøke 01/10/2022 11:37 AM

very strange map, some parts are felt novice and some so annoying that they are almost brutal

Imperius 01/10/2022 1:56 PM

The idea of creating the map was that 'almost' every part of the map should have several options for passing. Picking up the passage option, it may seem that part is strange and annoying, but in fact 'almost' every level has the simplest passage option, especially the parts with weapons. But I agree that there are some annoying parts on the map, like fillers(idk how it calls in English). For example, yesterday Noctua said that aled in moderate map is unacceptable, but it's not necessary to do aled, because players have a rifle. If you are a great player and want to pass the map quickly, then of course you can pass using aled, but the map is moderate and therefore each part of the map has the simplest way of passing corresponding to the moderate level. And of course I can be wrong, because I don't have a huge testing experience like many of the testers. But seriously, I saw some guys testing the map yesterday, some passing tactics surprised me, and some were funny, and some just looked weird and probably annoying to them 🙂 Sometimes just the simplest version of the passage is enough.

Imperius 01/10/2022 1:58 PM

And what about the map name, i need to change it for downloading new version with changes or i can use this name of the map?

Qywinc 01/10/2022 2:58 PM

I agree on that. There are no "multiple" options for doing a part. The basic structure of every part is the same. Different ways of doing a part would mean there are several options for do so. But that's not the case. In some parts every novice player can do the part and in other parts its so faily that it isn't moderate anymore. Furthermore there are passages where you just have to hook/shoot straight forward which imo isn't very nice to play. Here are some examples:

Qywinc 01/10/2022 2:58 PM

Boring straight hooking forward part.

Qywinc 01/10/2022 2:59 PM

Too faily for being almost at the end of the map and not well mapped. I would work with cp here. (You can fall into tele 24 and not 23, just work with cp)

Qywinc 01/10/2022 3:00 PM

Imo a very annoying part.

NoyrEx 01/10/2022 3:00 PM

So true. Also this map remind me about hdp_obstaculos

Qywinc 01/10/2022 3:00 PM

Novice part and not really creative.

Qywinc 01/10/2022 3:01 PM

Furthermore there is often not much space for t0 so i think you often block each other. Its t0 horror map.

Qywinc 01/10/2022 3:02 PM

I don't think map is balanced enough for release but that' s just my opinion and I am not a Tester, so maybe there are different ones.

justFlippo 01/10/2022 5:52 PM

im not a fan of the map, have the same thoughts about it like coke had. design looks a bit weird to me, some stuff is buggy.

justFlippo 01/10/2022 5:53 PM

map name has to be changed aswell, like perro mentioned ealier.

JimmyJazzThe1st 01/10/2022 7:54 PM

Winter is unbalanced

texnonik 01/11/2022 10:25 AM

Wow fancy background

Soapy Sandwich 01/12/2022 12:07 PM

The background has tons of layers making it a bit too busy. It appears you created the layers to show depth but without a much higher parallax it looks like the mountains are just behind the closest trees.

Soapy Sandwich 01/12/2022 12:12 PM

The parts are very unbalanced, some parts are novice, some moderate and some brutal. Not a fan of the map and think it would need a huge rework to be releasable.

Soapy Sandwich 01/12/2022 12:12 PM

Chains should be HD also.

louis 01/14/2022 2:36 AM


louis 01/14/2022 2:37 AM

fix all above/do a large rework

perrodecerro 01/14/2022 2:37 AM

change map name too

Imperius 01/14/2022 2:33 PM

Please decline. At the moment there is no time to make any changes, as well as the desire. I will take into account all comments on this map to prevent similar errors in the future.

louis 01/14/2022 3:42 PM


louis 01/14/2022 3:42 PM
