"Moonrush" by Ta!zenyuki [Brutal]
DDNet 12/08/2019 5:27 AM
DarkOort 12/08/2019 12:27 PM

put a "turn off entities "here

DarkOort 12/08/2019 12:28 PM

add unfreeze and "turn off entities"

DarkOort 12/08/2019 12:29 PM

add unfreeze or change the part

DarkOort 12/08/2019 12:30 PM

add unfreeze here maybe

DarkOort 12/08/2019 12:31 PM
DarkOort 12/08/2019 12:32 PM

problem here xd

TaizenYuki 12/08/2019 12:32 PM

ah i see xd

TaizenYuki 12/08/2019 12:33 PM

all fixed

Cøke 12/08/2019 2:55 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 2:55 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 2:56 PM

moon -> hd

Cøke 12/08/2019 2:57 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 2:57 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 2:59 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 3:02 PM

u can do this without edge hooks

Cøke 12/08/2019 3:07 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 3:11 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 3:13 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 3:14 PM

boring deep

Cøke 12/08/2019 3:15 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 3:16 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 3:17 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 3:19 PM
Cøke 12/08/2019 3:21 PM

map is like stronghold, back in time etc.. but very boring parts

Cøke 12/08/2019 3:26 PM
sinisa 12/08/2019 3:30 PM

i suggest to make freeze lighter, i cant even see tele without entities

Cøke 12/08/2019 3:32 PM

boring deep, missing undeep suns

Cøke 12/08/2019 4:15 PM
jao 12/20/2019 4:43 PM

for your first map this is pretty good

jao 12/20/2019 4:43 PM

but it also seems experimental

jao 12/20/2019 4:44 PM

ie it seems like you focused on the mapping itself rather than making good parts

jao 12/20/2019 4:44 PM

basically all parts are very basic

jao 12/20/2019 4:45 PM

what you should do is adding little twists to existing parts or coming up with original parts

jao 12/20/2019 4:45 PM

something thats entertaining to play

jao 12/20/2019 4:46 PM

also, parts like the edgehook part dont fit to the rest at all

jao 12/20/2019 4:47 PM

since youre good with the basic mapping techniques now, the next step is to make good gameplay

jao 12/20/2019 4:48 PM

this map would need to be entirely reworked to get released, so better start a new one, making sure its fun to play 😉

jao 12/20/2019 4:48 PM


jao 12/20/2019 5:04 PM
TaizenYuki 12/20/2019 7:03 PM

Danke für die Tipps.

TaizenYuki 12/20/2019 7:03 PM

ich denke das es noch lange dauert bis ich mich verbessere.

TaizenYuki 12/20/2019 7:03 PM

kommt dann iwan die nächste xD