this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules







Im traumatised by this map. I love it!

yeah looks like you will need some https://ddnet.org/maps/Therapy now 😛

Best moderate 5* ever made !

also a good map to train some necessary movements

changed 5 tiles

the finish is a troll

-1 cheat


cp20 cheat?

removed 6 tiles

i think u can leave the freeze with tune there

have to keep dj then

I was already fixing it before u showed it, I think it's better without that

cool map, was thinking its more mod 5 but there are much places where u can fail so brutal 1 fits

a lot of people think it's mod 5, I don't mind either

If u keep all the faily spots it should be brutal 1

Maybe keep the spot with freeze and tune for brutal 1 😁

nah the no hammer isn't really meant to be part of the map

-1 cheat for real now


and cp

Put a "!"

I'll write a detailed explanation and apology using font_teeworlds.png

brutal 1*

$ready 1

@tsin666, the left one is a bug, right one is a special case that would need 2 freeze layers or a special tile otherwise

When release? Too cool map

Stop release oldschools

We need like that maps

the day will come, just wait

I second that 🦤

Maybe months and seasons will pass.

I can always be waiting.

there will be always a mix of server types and mappers

(normal map releases)

I just think oldschool's should be given a break and if possible they should never be published.

but my opinion doesn't matter

why not publish maps that were already online and played before ddnet?

most of the oldschool maps are better than the new maps made by unexperienced mappers

and u cant rly feel it if ur joined teeworlds after ddnet started

no they are not better than the new map .

How about releasing maps that people are actually waiting for? Maps from mappers who disappeared a decade ago can wait.

there is always a mix i said

snail planning it

read again

its about new maps not new released maps

I think maps are being developed in the testing phase

im doing 1 oldschool (or race) + 1 "normal" map per week

otherwise we just end up with 20 oldschool left and nothing else

can do saturday 14th for ur map if thats fine by u

i think snail doing perfect job , we don't have many maps accepted ... after all oldschool maps will get release we will have few maps for releases ...

Yeah that works


this makes no sense imo xd, at least 75% of oldschools are worse than maps that are below modern releasing standards

In my observation, most new maps are closer to the "already been seen before", but have fine layout and gameplay. whereas oldschools are just one cancer tumor after another that have extremely bad gameplay but also have the same parts.. Not to mention the bad design as well ;-;

Now, maybe if you are only counting 'inexperienced' as their very 1st map, but imo most of my maps for the past year as well as many others ive seen in testing that have been declined were a lot better than any oldschool that has been released recently

sorry for the rant

Psst I still mean the declined maps

ending biggest troll ever, i love it

"Declined Map Week"