this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Interesting map , can't wait release.

binding of isaac reference

What do you mean

can u get on ingame rn



aled and go right?

Unfreeze one Tee to go up and right

what is tp4

both can go up and skip drag

idk what u mean

ah i fucked up the tele lol

cheat with hammerrun/jump

ah yeah lol

did u do it or its just how it could be?

i tried that cheat and they cant jump high enough

yeah was thinking that too, map is a bit older.

was thinking when someone is posting cheats, they have actually did it

i did it

I fixed already in case

i can make a vid when i get home

Not needed I fixed already

dont need tp3

if this intended its not fun

its clean with 3

its a part and now ? there is not only one way to do it, i can make it a bit harder if u mean it

there are 2 short easier parts

There's no spec

Where u need it?

Switching strong and weak hook during the drag parts

Changed the part, and changed the part b4 a little bit

maybe flip the map so we go from right to left, for some diversity in structure u know

parts looked cool tho

a few little fixes, thx arrow

little edit in a solo part, thx nothing

The parts flow well and the difficulty stays consistent throughout the whole map. Cool 👍

$ready 3


$ready 3~
