this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Map filename must match channel name.



$ready 2

First ready set. It needs to be tested again by a different tester before fully evaluated.


The map is clearly terrible, even for an oldschool map

Nothing is right about the gameplay

Same as the other longcats

if you dont want to release another oldschool that clearly 99% of them are not well mapped then make a statement of not subbmit another oldschool instead of wasting testers time


I must defend the oldschool category at all cost

Don't talk about what you don't know

I am one of the rare oldschool enjoyer

I've spent most of my time playing oldschool maps

I know what is good about them, and what's not

Those maps might have not been posted before because they are just terrible

We accepted most of the good ones

Leave the rest where it is or keep digging and find a gem

is a good example

Not a gem but still a great map nonetheless

In my opinion, the map is simple and short, and of course, not all parts are good, but do you really think the percentage of bad things in this map outweighs the decent ones?.
Also, you shouldnt just think that your opinion is above everyone else, and just decline a map without even ask me why i was giving a chance to this map, we are a team if you cant see that well is not mi problem.

I talked about the subject in tester channel that we should raise our standards for oldschool maps and people agreed, just because the map is old doesn't prevent it from being good, we should stop releasing bad maps for this only reason

Oldschool maps can be good

We don't need 2 maps a week

this is how you should have started
@pipou_twnot shitting on my time wasted

"In my opinion", why should we care about one's opinion, it's about being objective. And yes the bad clearly outweighs the good, it's 90% shit. "Also, you shouldn't just think that your opinion is above everyone else" wtf is that even? Keep your testing lead hatred to yourself. I won't ask when it's clearly a joke from you. You don't seem to know anything about the oldschool category : you don't appear to be very fond of them (oldschool enjoyer), nor old enough to be a veteran player

The list is too big to fit in the screenshot

I'm sorry you had to test a category you're not familiar with

I do agree that the map isn't good, but it's not horrible either like some old-school ones I've played and didn't finish because they were unbearable, which is why I don't have as many ranks.
On the other hand, a player's opinion, especially those from the testing team, should matter. I don't care if you were the testing lead; you can't just disregard someone's opinion because you, and only you, think it's correct. If you don't explain the context and discuss it with me, like for example, 'Hey Arrow, I know you've tested it, but in my opinion, which is based on extensive experience with old-school maps, I don't think this map is good for public release, for various reasons and based on new criteria...blah blah.
So dont think this is a personal attack or whatever, just think before you act. 🔒

You have been around long enough to know I'm an oldschool fanatic

Also, you have been around long enough to know I NEVER test alone

So it's not just me in the end

There is only a handful of players who can be objective about oldschool maps

"just think before you act" what is that shit even?

"'Hey Arrow, I know you've tested it, but in my opinion, which is based on extensive experience with old-school maps, I don't think this map is good for public release, for various reasons and based on new criteria...blah blah" I didn't expect much from you but at least I know what to copy paste next time 👍

top mapa why dcline?

what do you know about old school? map not good enough for old school? seriously? The author forgot to look at your standards, which were invented 10 years after the creation of the map. And don’t you dare poke someone’s age at him. it's not objective. I can just as well say that you don’t understand old school. I was there. and I have more gaming experience than most of the community age. And if someone still has this map somewhere, that says a lot. Bad maps were not replayed. and what’s more, they didn’t save it to their servers. despite your “fanaticism,” you don’t know what old school is. It would be better to go and make a list of maps that are already in the game and do not deserve to be there. and there is a lot of that.

Haven't you seen any really bad old school maps! although those maps are also worthy. like the story of this game. as part of the community's creativity! people created to please each other and did as best they could. there were no templates. there were no rules. There were no people with 5+ years of experience creating maps. because the game editor existed 3. And you have the audacity to claim that these maps do not meet your standards? seriously?

Trust me, we have. Many testers have been playing the game for a long time, even when these maps were released. DDNet has released so many oldschool maps that we're just getting picky.
Compared to previously released maps, this map just isn't good enough and doesn't meet the standard we expect for these maps. If you still want to play the map, you can simply open a server yourself and play it with your friends. 🙂

You might have been there but you seem new around here and you don't have our testing experience.

then how come there are so many crooked maps in the game? maps with terrible design?

LongCats are part of the DDRace history, that's true, but we already have one for that: https://ddnet.org/maps/LongCat, which is more than enough

So the thing is that we constantly increased the quality of our releases over the years and the "oldschool category" wasn't clearly defined

We have had too many identical maps with a very poor gameplay, a few were fine just for the sake of DDRace's history

The design is not a criterion for oldschool, unless it's too flashy, painful, and/or would cause epileptic seizures

Released: 2014-11-22

But yeah, that wouldn't be released as is today

Actually, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble. I really like these maps and I don't understand your solution

This shouldn't be an OldSchool map .. but it should be classified as a Novice map

unfortunately, this is too old to be novice) I like it too) enjoy it ^^
