this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

toxic name

keep your socks

shit name

Change name

Vanitas is better

change name



any names pls

carpe diem



change name pls


if translate capre from romanian to english its goats

carpe diem means "seize the day"

Global sensation of the map : I Don't like the map in his globality for some reasons.
Tooooo much killtiles all over the map... And the end it's call literally jump into killtile.
The map is unbalanced, some parts need 400 IQ with perfect timed jump while other parts are just ,,brain off'' and don't match with the style of the map.
Speaking style of the map, I don't like it. I don't like it, because in my opinion we shouldn't release map which will be never played. Due to so much frustration.
(I didn't finish the test due to time)

ye i agree, way too faily and strange parts

After testing this I agree with both, map it's quite frustrating because there is a lot of kill tiles and if you miss one hook or something you instantly die.
Some parts are like easy to understand and others are sketchy and hard, there is no good flow between them. So I think it's better if you rework this


did u want no entities? i dont think it matters too much tho

I think this map might be fun if kill is replaced by tele? Just like your other dummy maps 😁 they would surely be played much more if you don't die by every little mistake

remove every kill is meh. but i can replace some faily kill tiles with tele. just tell me where

try a second version with no kill

no. i like it as it is. im not going to remove every kill

ill add some more tele tiles but not replace kill with tele

btw heres the fixed version from the video


does it always work or sometimes pixel collides with kill tile?

doesnt matter since its fixed

most times worked and its first part so it was not rly important xd

what is this spam

You want to make insane map, for only the best ddnet's players ok, but there is a problem with that. These maps require a perfect gameplay, flow and balance. And for the moment we are faaar to validate those three requirements. You try to make directly what there is the most difficult in the mapping. I suggest you to go on something more easy (doesn't mean more dumb) with more space to let players live in the map. To come back on the map, parts take one by one are ok/meh (there are a lot of problem with unfair killtiles or with places to tight for nothing, but links between part and flow are not good enough
Good luck on the next map!


nice to see u 1. dont understand anything in this map or 2. u never tested this map. this map isnt "Insane" its just a 4* dummy map. all real faily spots have tele. tell me 1 spot which is too tight for whole gameplay. i would enjoy if u let someone test this map who understand it. at least i dont care about decline but your reason show me u are not able to judge this map

i go test it


Unsure if you still care, but it's literally impossible to finish this map with weak

but you're probably aware of this


no one will ever play a dummy map with weak xd

I do, from time to time. I don't really care much about weak/strong hook

but u will only spawn as first after kill

so u will never have weak

i can add /spec so this wont happen xd but i dont think it makes sense

Not sure if thats entirely true (it seems like it's true) however, it will inevitably fuck people over if they are not aware of this. (even if you enable spec)
Anyway, heres my personal opinion: I enjoyed playing your map, although im pretty sure people would get lost on most parts. Without the video posted by louis, im pretty certain I'd have never figured out any of the parts by myself, without dying atleast 20 times on every part. I usually just yolo parts to figure them out, which is unfortunately not possible on every part on this map. On a technical level, this map is really creative. I personally don't mind the tightness and the transition from part to part seems also fine. There are almost no filler parts to be found, which makes this map very entertaining to play if people were to spend alot of time practicing it.
Regarding figuring out each individual part:
Example: Part 6 requires you to hold d, else you'd land on this edge: https://i.imgur.com/SdnpOE2.png

In my honest opinion a normal person wouldve never figured this out.

but again, I tend to tunnel vision quite alot, so take my opinion on this matter with a grain of salt.

https://i.imgur.com/inWIYNv.png pretty mean jump

https://i.imgur.com/oBuOOt8.png can be cheesed with 45° hook angle, so doesn't really require aim :P

That's pretty much all I had to say, all in all it's a enjoyable short but faily map which isn't as bad as you all think imo 😄

thx for testing guys ❤️ made the jump easier and idk why its not the right version but murpis screen was already fixed in the latest version i have xd.

dunno it matters and i dont think a tester will bring this back to testing

but at least wanna know what u think about their feedback

why would there be hard maps in other mods and not in dummy? it is not specially made for casual players, there are enough maps to bring out new players

this game needs more hardness