"Diazed" by zig & FAIRUS [Moderate]
DDNet 09/29/2022 12:27 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

589.82 KB
DDNet 09/29/2022 12:27 PM
DDNet 09/29/2022 12:27 PM
Pipou 09/29/2022 12:27 PM
FAIRUS 09/29/2022 12:27 PM


Zig 09/29/2022 12:28 PM


Pipou 09/29/2022 12:28 PM


Zig 09/29/2022 12:36 PM
590.07 KB
Arrow 09/29/2022 3:18 PM

Hi, what I can see about the map is doesn’t have a good gameplay at all, and looks outdated with matches of “new” things which imo is not good, besides is a bit unbalanced, anyway, try to bring aspects that can be fun to play or interesting stuff, you have a lot of features to use 😄

Arrow 09/29/2022 3:18 PM


Arrow 09/29/2022 3:19 PM

If you have any questions about mapping feel free to do it in the respective channel