"Campotle 5" by Fluxid [Oldschool]
DDNet 05/27/2022 12:46 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

DDNet 05/27/2022 12:46 PM
Cøke 05/27/2022 7:18 PM


DDNet 05/27/2022 7:18 PM
Smetanolub 06/02/2022 10:54 PM

will there be campotle1-5 compilation?like with nut maps

Sorah 07/06/2022 10:24 PM


Ravie 07/06/2022 10:56 PM


Ravie 07/06/2022 10:56 PM
Ravie 07/06/2022 10:56 PM

$ready 1

Cøke 07/10/2022 9:45 AM
Cøke 07/10/2022 9:46 AM

whole map got alot of entity bugs

Arrow 07/13/2022 3:59 AM


Arrow 07/13/2022 4:10 AM


Arrow 07/13/2022 4:30 AM
Arrow 07/13/2022 4:30 AM


DDNet 07/13/2022 4:30 AM
Arrow 07/13/2022 4:30 AM

$ready 1

snail 07/13/2022 5:18 AM

thanks a lot

Arrow 07/13/2022 5:25 AM