this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

😄 😄

😆 😆

whats wrong with the map? It got a X

not me ^^

I think the upload failed somewhere, not sure though



Denied xD


they added that trojan image to the map

all ur envelopes unused

and big entity bugs in the spawn area

Removed those envelopes, cleaned up speedup layer.

i was thinking u forgot to set the envelopes

maybe try $edit and accepting the resulting map?






maybe they should reupload in

or it was done already?



I think everything sort of works now


looks like it ye

File size optimisation

tele 4 the same and much more parts

and to tele 4 placement annoying

but cool map, we liked it


u dont need hammer off tiles for dummy

add command : sv_deepfly 0

- Added forgotten entities
- Moved all TURN OFF ENTITIES for better visibility
- Reduced spawning tiles
- Made all multi-tele exits a single tele exit
- Hammer Off tile removed

map isnt that bad at all but the fact u can make 80% of it solo much less nice. yea for moderate player cheating those parts with edge hooks etc seems too hard...but for skilled players its rlly easy. also u shouldnt make the map as a lighthouse tbh. its too tight and let yourself more space to make parts much better if u just make a "normal" map without a special theme like this...or just make it big enough u have enough space for parts. limiting yourself in making is never a good idea

Limiting yourself makes you think more creative with tools you have

Can be

yes...in everything else than mapping in tw

I have said before that many parts are solo feasible, maybe he wants to keep it simple and easy


- Reworked second part with freezes so co-op is the only possiblity
- Reworked third part so there are only two possible solutions (third solo solution removed)
- Reworked fourth end part co-op is the only possibility
- Made in part eight the wall higher so solo is harder, not impossible
- Lowerd and increased platform size after the tripple fly
- Added text instructions to the finnish

oh well my bad. didnt notice this also works

first part still soloable


Like i said, whole first part is intended solo as an introduction.



and fix at tele 19 is not rlly harder tbh

well and tele 20 is soloable. but this is way too hard and random. (not sure u already knew it didnt found any messagewho told u before)

- Added entities for roundabout teleporter
- Removed clipped entities
- Renumbered teleporters from 18 onward
- Added extra walls and teleporters to have only one solo solution (not including the end)
- Reworked tele 8 (used to be 19) to something more interesting

☑️ 👍

- Removed background tiles left of Dummy Entrance
- Made the roof higher at tele 1 section (top right)

that's there so you can't throw it past the speedup, i could add more speed ups so I could remove it

i mean the tune zone

Ok I'll check again

All non-gameplay relevant decorations should be marked as 'detail' in the editor. Map credits are excluded.


Map should be ready after this

Non detail items: Every gameplay tile Gameplay info markers Outside wall of the light house



$ready 3

👉 👈

Corners are no more, even got an extra one that you missed.


$ready 3

1.67.. I have to check this

impossible, i dont miss corners

Uhm, im so noob, this version missed the updates from September 19...


those things were missing... don't know how they got lost...

idk if we can still change it

what am I looking at?

missing design?

Looks like the gameplay is affected here

Yeah on 1 there was a new design, on 3 there was a skip removed

and on 2?

reuploading a map with changed gameplay would render all current ranks invalid, so thats a problem indeed

1 and 3 cant be fixed

there are 45 ranks right now,
opinions? should we re-release or just keep it as is

well there are 2 parts changed completly, when i compare the released version with the new one

we could just fix the design bug, but i would keep it as it is

is the skip in image 3. really bad?

its fine

Hm, 45 ranks isnt too too bad if it's critical

if it's not to bad then we can just keep it as is then

for me its fine, if u wanna rerelease it then the fixed version looks good to me.

@murpiwhen u wanna do it, u should propably do it soon, some starting speedrunning this map xd

on 2 there were unhook and hook tiles on the same place

ye, saw it

"ez" map this 45 ranks can be done in no time so just push the new version

if it's not to bad then i'd keep it as is

can you fix this and keep the other parts unchanged?

highlight me when you do, so i don't forget

, this one only has the overlapping blocks fixed