this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

plz change map name "Ling"

Map filename must match channel name.

add sv_solo_sever 1

too much skips

i like mechanic what you use in this map, but here really many skips

Also spawn on the air is bad

test it 1 more time, then fix all skips what you find

because now is not playable, because you dont know what way correct and what skip

here 1 massive skip

a nezox already say t

$change name Ling

hi plz change name Ling Thanks

fix skip

$change name "Ling"

I can't find the map

you can not touch the start line and go through the map

Another open map 🤡

a bit harder


There are some problems on the swings speed too, you have to get very low speed, or slow down to get the unfreezes which ruin the flow


I didn't test the whole map just this part and found 3 skips from only 1 part

Honestly, I don't want to say anything, but when you make an open map try to check it more than 5 times. Let Pipou make his verdict


Thank for NeZoX test

this still working


If you want to start you have to come across start

G11.1. Start line No startline skips. All tees have to cross the startline.

ok i will fix

dont work

take your time bro

Does not work, depends on your speed

pls take your time and fix all normally


you are test what you upload?

you cant fix this 6 times

speed to fast



Open maps are really painful

The map feels pretty short after testing it again

It's only about 7 swings

Take your time to map it, don't rush it because you are missing skips. Make it a bit more interesting, the structure is looking weird in design

