this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

maybe maybe better time switch as previous parts

don't get last part and solo part ...... is they even possible ?

Very good map i like it !

Like if it was an aled

In did it is


This is a video before I made some changes.

But it’s the same idea

3:15 not same
@Arrowthere is nothink there

5:17 you forgot to delete stopers

xd but it’s the same idea

An aled



Cool parts but wtf was that music

Most parts are unique and really creative, they have a lot of potential which is not surprising for any map corneum takes part in. Tough I belive sometimes flow suffers because of that there might be minor tweaks to optimize that, especially on part one getting to wall for dj feels odd. Parts I belive to disrupt flow the most are cp1 because of the weird walljump and the need to switch to dummy to press jump midway through the part. Cp2 the part itself feels more sluggish than rewarding. Cp7 the last bit - I personally hate ninja. Cp9 I enjoyed the old setups consitency (see video) more than the recent one. Cp13 is just tideous in my opinon but thats presonal taste I guess.
Over all cool and unique map can't complain much really. Other than infotile design that honestly always confuses me more than looking at the part itself. I like the slight difference in color for part 1 thats created by the freeze maybe implement that - could actually structure some info better especially when you make the slight difference more noticable so it's clearly visible thats just an Idea tho.

While I don't think the flow is that big of an issue in this map, I do think the symbols can be confusing and can be cleaned up relatively easily

overall the map is a banger, its jsut that without the video, I probably wouldn't know how some of the parts worked due to lack of clarity

marking that would be confusing, i rather let it as it is

I like the part where your dummy is deep

fixed some things mentioned above

maybe maybe better time switch as previous parts

added hints to some parts

About the dj on the wall, once u know the way, it will be comfort, now change to the dummy to hold space its not that slow imo (for good players) for example inner peace didnt struggle once he knew how the part worked. I couldn't understand the last sentence about the "slight difference in colour" and thx 😄

My point was not to add more info signs, but to make sure they accurately portray the part

how am I supposed to know if theres a switch if there isnt a switch symbol

stuff like that

got it

ты русский?

Flow is not about speed in switching too dummy to press a button really. It's more about interrupting momentum intentionally to do something. Sure a swap is done quickly, in my opinion it still disrupts gameplay though. Because you need to go out of your way in order to do it. I personally think its better when a dummy p.ex. holds jump the entirety of the part, not just half of it. Hope you catch my drift. Thats all personal preference though, no harm in having a different mindset on it.
The slight difference I mean is that the info fields and tiles in freeze are darker than those outside of it, that way you could establish or transfer info more effectively.

im from Chile idk what did u said

oh i search in the translator xd, no im not from Russia

use copy

only ninja is ba dflow bc u cant copy

even worse because my copy is bound on k

i dont udnerstand what to do here so i b instead XD

usually you go up and ninja on right wall up

better fix becaus skip faster


can go through everywhre

As I said known fact and its okay

overall decent map


Thx I guess xd

Ye, that’s actually better


added a laser block on cp 12

i fill the empty space on cp 3 that was below the switch with freeze, besides stop u from doing other stuffs

where corners


But I’m not sure if they are accurate

everytime i see map name

i see ryoiki_hentai

Made some little changes in cp 12, 13 (at the end), and 7

are speeders needed?

they behave rly weird with the speeders and u cant dj

i dont think u should make dummy hold any buttons like jump

at least without marking it

forgot what the rules are but usually i think dummy maps need dummy to be afk

(unless u are certain mappers lol)

try to make part not use speeders here

also the first part where u have to sling them to the right past those teles is a bit annoying (the 2nd one is fine tho)

map has some cool ideas but in general seems like it uses a lot of special tiles and confusing entities/tunes to force the part

id try to alter some parts to where they have the same movement but use less confusing tiles

Nope at least the first 3, the other one i could change it for a stopper I don’t recall why I did that

I read the rules and I didn’t find something like that, besides if exist somewhere I think it would be really unfair bcs that cuts the creativity to do parts

I’ll put a sign to warn


Okay I’ll something different

Could you pls mention the parts that were confusing for you?

the parts themselvs arent necessarily confusing, its just that once u look at it you get confused since theres lots of special tiles or tunes

for example the ninjafly part, its cool part, but the hookblock + switches make it confusing at first

as well as the strong hammer tune part


i understand but what if i put a number on the switch and a arrow which will gave you a hint at least on the first part, because it will be really hard to make more space on that part that was tight on purpose

I fixed everything mentioned above + other things. i kept the cp 1 as it was bcs i really dont want to change it so i made the thing that i told above this message so tell me what u think about it. about the speeder i couldnt find another cleaner solution
cant test for a while sry

I fixed something thx to
some minor fixes, and put info sign on some parts

Reduce file size


some minor bug




bot is broken


ill check saturday again and then is ready i think


minor fixes

can still use hookable here to cross solo

try to see if it can work sideways but if not ig its fine although its just a bit annoying

yeye but imo its ok due its faster just hook the dummy for speedruners

sideways may be not that clean, but i could delete some unhook so the bullet can do a longer route


solo at the end seems good now

1 ss fixed anyways xD 2 ss fixed imo 3 now the time is a bit longer i deleted like 2 tiles
add a few more blocks to the left here cus its kinda short area to get speed without jumping into freeze

add unfreeze at bottom

but i dont think it matters it probably gets removed in $optimize

ok i think those are final fixes then $ready 3 i guess

well also check for design bugs cus im too lazy but i think there arent any

also im not gonna check for corners cus it doesnt really matter, but maybe papotav will come in here and find 20 of them


maybe came bcs of an append


i checked both things and found none

and i change 2 things

imo 3 star is ok

i dont think that someone will vote but just in case hahaha

3 or 4 ⭐ ?

xd no way 4

its 3 fs

I’ll check again today and after the check it’s ready ig

in test servers i only have 1 hookable

i feel as this part is generally a bit harder than the rest

maybe do that at least (idk how else youd make it much easier)

Maybe deleting some tele and expanding the ht

its not that part thats hard

the last hook on tee is hard

and the first double nade

Mmm imo the hook to the tee on the bottom it’s fine, the only fix that comes in my mind rn is putting tele hook where tele is and delete the ht but that is kinda shitty xd

This one I agree, I’ll try to make it more easy but idk how would I do it

u can just remove 1 or 2 tele as shown in the screenshot

u dont need to change the hook ig, i think i just had a skill issue at the time

if u aren't home / able to fix them i can do it

I’m not, Sounds good thx

wait so u can fix it or should i

I meant I’m not in home so I can’t fix it xd

So if u can fix it for me m not going to say no

fixed, i deleted just 1 tele


ill ready today

if i dont forget

Most likely


$ready 3


You can just disconnect dummy once you get to 13


forgot about the switch