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$change name Chain'd

$change name Chaind


fixed the first screenshot

you just have to rehook here, stretch the hook a bit and jump to have more speed. it’s not clunky xd

Anyway I’d like to see how you managed to continue in the map while using the spot you marked with 1

I didn’t , I just said “idk if u have to use it” but It’s obvious you can’t

Maybe I was doing it wrong

well, i knew this part would bring some trouble.

added some stoppers to "deactivate 2" to make this skips impossible



i acutally kinda like this "skips", but since the're taking more time to do it this way its ok to keep them

nah thats fine

a laser door would lead to another skip

I don't understand what skip it leads to?
Just think it should be a laser rather than freeze so you can see when it's on and off.

He mean u can go up with the dummy, slide to the right and skip the whole thing

- dj back

Yep, Switchfreeze is good here. 🙂

Wait I think I didn't clearly express what I meant, I mean just a laser not the solid door version.

same effect as freeze, so i keep the freeze 😄 looks better visually to me

okay was thinking u mean a door

ye me too xd

but since its marked in a way that its not confusing or anything, I keep it

hookthrough has to be more transparent

It's clear what controls it yes, but it isn't clear if the switch has been hit. One simple change greatly improves that aspect. Especially at number 3.

fixed that

i still keep it as it is

couldnt find any skips, gj !

Otherwise a nice little map. Rating: 4 stars. The map is fun, partly Flowy and should be rlsd. Thanks!


wrong file^^, fixed all screens

its fine

$ready 3

map is ready

sorry about coming in so late but u'll need to change the map name, its way too close from another already released dummy map "Chained" (even so that design is rly similar)

we've had this discussion with Apex and Apex2 and we came to the conclusion that we shouldn't allow ultra similar names again as its gonna be confusing for players about them not being related

that’s no problem.


Mapper left server

Can feel free to submit it again if he comes back. Map was almost ready

Should probably dm them that