this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


huh what's wrong ?

You canât mirror stoppers, only rotate them. No clue why. Just replace it with a new stopper


It's a big project so there's probably things to change ^^



I remember you showing this map on
Even then, I knew that it was a bad idea to release a Kog map in ddnet and replace it with hh, it's somehow not interesting, of course you tried to make parts in all this as you go, but at the moment it's boring

bad end of noobfilter

I knew that it was a bad idea to release a Kog map in ddnet and replace it with hh, It isn't really that ite

honestly the project changed trough time and now it has run for long

so i better post it before it becomes a monster

make more space for t0 )

there we go ?

added the missing switch

that........is ugly 0-0"

but ok ok i'll make it even bigger

you map

try to do something intresting

big enough ?


ya im think

ok so

What about the parts ?

make the speeders at the spawn 50 power

and also ig 3 teles at spawn enough

4 still good no ?

True, im just saying that 3 is enough and 4th kinda useless

ok so its done

take gores out of the name before anybody sees

will decrease the likelyhood of an instant decline đ

nah its good

i want to create a new genre

i like this kind of maps

more focused on hh and fly

where u can't touch the ground

Test when ? :D

look at any hh map xd


But Im not a tester đŽ


Who's the tester for this map then ?

I don't know, I'm not on the tester team

u were the only one that pressed â

who is testing this map ? 0-0"

jao's not tester

he no role Tester

There are many maps for them to test. Yours was only submitted yesterday, be patient ! Testers will take a look at your map when they have time / motivation for it

i tough that the channel is open only when a tester accepted it

Well yes when a tester accepts it the channel will get created but since there are so many maps atm it takes a while to test

And as Yubel wrote we test when we are motivated and got time

Iam not a tester but here is some feedback. I liked a few parts but focus is what to change/improve maybe:
- Speedups have no design and i don't think its a good idea to use them just to send tees to the next parts. Maybe use TP or connect the parts. (1)
- You dont need "fakefreeze" just use "freez". (2)
- the unfreeze is just white, you even have the gametiles for it. For example:(2,3)
- you could improve the design by making cornerdesign. For Example:(4)
- The background is just red, maybe add stars, planets, or sth. else.
- That looks a bit random(Just 1 stopper?) +this parts are easily skipable by just jumping down and stacking(5)
- There are better looking fonts(take a look on the teeworlds data dc) (6)
- You dont use Tunes and Tunes2 or? delete it (2)
- Change the Tp design(color) it looks mehhh, its not matching with the bg (7)
- Random unsolo? (8)
- Did you playthrough the parts by yourself? a lot of parts are way too hard, tight and there is zero chance to recover. For example this: (9)
There is a lot more but thats enough for now.

OOOOOOOOOOOOk big changes yeah

i'll come back don't move

- you could improve the design by making cornerdesign. For Example:(4) didnt understand this one

i played many parts w/ dummy tho but yeah i will look for them

The "random unsolo" is an artifact from the big deleted fat line of unsolo + unfreeze above the map that allowed me to tp up and back to unfreeze & unsolo faster (don't ask)

Before you submit a map you should test every part several times to see if the parts work properly + check for bugs/mistakes(like the unsolo artifact). If you don't do this it is much more effort for the testers and increases the chance that the map will be declined. By Cornerdesign, i mean that the freeze looks angular, squared, cornered, i don't know how to describe it better đ Looks better when the transitions are smoother.
I would wait for another feedback of the testers first, because in my opinion the map has to many problems with design and gameplay. And i don't know if this genre in general has a chance, because we already have HHmaps with cool normal parts inbetween.

im very surprised this hasnât been declined yet


sorry but there is no universe in which this map is getting a release. Its EXTREMELY unbalanced. It offers NO parts, since it only has hammerfly and hammerhit with freeze spammed all over the place

theres barely any effort

its not interesting to fly through a maze of freeze

there just arent any parts

just because u name the map ddgores doesnt mean that u can leave out parts to smuggle ur way through a release

- the design is too simple

took me 2 days for that layer

why can't i release such a map (if the map was well quality)

i really like the last part tho

if i want to keep that part

should i pass the map as Insane in teams of max 8p ?

what about 1st layer tho ?

i already changed some of the map

i deleted parts that i need to rework

that's why there's empty space

What is this

You know that this whole part until end is without hammer? We tryed it several times, its impossible. If you had tested your map yourself you would realize that this is bs đ

Start with a new map, invest more time. And consider if every part is balanced and creative. Compare your design to other new released maps. Does your design have a certain standard, also look at the corners. This map is a mess, gameplay and design...just forget about it and next map will be better!

You know that this whole part until end is without hammer?

man i mapped it ofc i know

and i like this concept

maybe i made it too hard

hard to test it bcs im bad with dummy

like i can't do Stronghold 1 with dummy but i can do it in <20min with someone as good as me

I like how bad the part is đ ultra hard normal way or just fall at edge

i kept the idea

Ok đ

Take ur time with the fixing, u can submit again with the same name if u want

i'll not abandon the idea

i'm just waiting answer to this

When I was watching I saw just filler, no real parts

i honestly think that an hh/hf map is cool

yeah i tought about that

i think i will add parts based on hooktrough

Parts like may add more variety to the gameplay

with actually adding ""Parts""

i think i have parts actually

they are just bad

and you don't like them

for me this is a part [simple down 2]

This entire "part" would be extremely skippable of this is all the "part" was

its just sketch gameplay to show a mechanic that i could add

This isn't really a part either, it's more of an interpart

Yes but with sketch you have things that lead up to this, if you had your part on its own, it's almost pointless since you can just fly under it instead of being forced to throw someone in just to go the same way again

For your part to actually work you would need a part before it that forces the two to be split or actually requires you to go that way


In that current environment that you showed us it's just there for no reason

Hence it's more of an interpart that an actual part

This is a simple filler

Because as i said: It is not "well quality"

Just changing a few "parts" of the map isnt enough. The problem is u dont have any. U only have filler and even those fillers are very unbalanced and not interesting

My condolences

Seems like u r alone with that impression. Liking your own map is normal ofc but the players i was with on test server agreed with me

i never seen parts with no hammer like this

i think the idea is good

anyway i will rework the map

thanks for the answers



Pranki iirc

Yes but no, pranki gives you ground to touch, that is suspended in mid air with a way tighter gap and you don't have hammer

Which I don't think is even possible to realistically do

Is there tp under this part?

No, you fall backwards and have to go back to this part again

The entire ending is unreasonable tbh

Comes from here

if you pass "Just hookfly" you pass this tbh

Lol no, I dont think just hookfly has any parts that's a 4 high tunnel

Just because it's possible in theory doesn't mean it's perfectly fine to put into a map

Nor does it make the most sense to have hammer for the rest of the map, then remove hammer for the hardest and most unbalanced part

Im just wondering, i see 2 freeze lines with unfreeze near, it's supposed to be completed with hookfly? And it's also faily? Tf

the other flying tee is in the freeze

making it 4 tile wide tunnel just for one

this wasn't made to increase difficulty

Then why?

why i made the part ? Bcs i think its fun to hookfly like this with freeze/unfreeze

and only the very last part looks hard to me

which is fixed

whole map is unreasonable faily and punishing, i mean you could add teles to most punishing parts under them

at least

design feels like really old ddmax map

just make a whole new map this one isnt good

nah i'll rework and change it until i'm good enough for it to be qualityful

I think your issue is that your concept of a hh map has already been done a lot of times and that releasing new hh maps is not a such an incentive for devs

Try again by making some more interesting parts that flow nicely and you will have a much higher chance ^^