very bad


its mega short

look at the parts. 90% will 15+ mins on the 1 part

there's only 1 mechanic in this map and i think it will become very boring after playing 1h of it imo

its very poor mapped

compare this to recently released maps, you will see obvious differences in quality

I assume this is your first map

so the best advice to give is to simply map more and experiment with stuff to get more familiar with the editor

also look at recently released maps to see good mapping practices that make them good

to give some quick tips: don't map room to room style, don't have repetitive parts, don't have time wasting parts, have enough space for multiple players, and golden rule: it should be fun to play

yes its my first map but i think that this map does not need a beautiful design ( a fortiori i like oldschool design). The parts are different, but the essence is the same, because this is a themed map for pro players who love this trick.

no one said anything about design

and you can't use oldschool as an excuse, maps have to be on today's standard

If to remake this map is the concept itself possible?


ye sure but don't be too repetitive

i.e. don't use the exact same trick multiple times

Ok. Thanks for answers🙂

btw how long did it take you mapping this?

same thing here, if you don't know how to map something, look at how it's done in new maps

should be put on fun server

should be put on no fun server

why is everyone making bit3?

твою мапу своровал да


u stupid bot


Should be put on training server
