Background fixed

Teleporter fixed, Freezefail fixed, unhook fixed, endlesshook fixed

You probably look Aoe's video and maked map , 1st map

. (By screen looks like) . I can't play so can't tell is it to simple , basic and not creative . Idea with colour looks nice

reminds lockdown

i fixed many things. I try to make new parts and i think i got it. many parts are classic but i tried to mixed it with new parts

Can't play so can't tell anythink

why cant play?

I moved my pc to orher room and everything is not plug in

plug it in

ye izi pizi

i really like the map. its easy but not boring. design is a bit basic but at least it changes. i would say its novice 2 or 3

maybe its only my monitor settings but ht is hard to see

is ur settings

how you can play that solo?

i can make it a littlebit deeper bot i can see what is hookable and what is hookthought

in the left corner there is hook that is over the ground. you can use that to get high enough to get the hook at the ceiling. its a bit hard but i did it first try

okay wait

i dont get it.

show me pls

i can reach the hooktile


can you come online to the testserver?




what is the name of the server?

GER test2

just search for me

okay thanks

you cant do that solo now ^^ [fixed]

this looks like a ddmax map, which we dont release. to get an idea about how a map needs to look like to get released look at recently released maps. gameplay should be fun and creative. if you reuse existing parts, they need to have their own twist. map looks good mapping wise tho, so if you improve the gameplay aspect, you will have a good chance to get a release 👍



wozu gibt man sich mühe...

I was right by looking in picture


i dont get it. was a nice map

it is nice but we already have maps with similar parts tbh and its basically ddmax

maybe explain why its nice in your opinion

or why you disagree with what i said