this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

tweaked kill tiles fix cheatable parts changed some hookthrough to tele fix cursed tele design added more spawn tiles added marks for tele TO's added more tele TO's tweaked tips

cant think of anything else

i tweaked some other stuff but cant think of what it was

also im super shit with quads/bg design so if anyone has ideas i would be glad to hear

oh yea i forgot that one



so i was going to start doing like freeze behind some of the tiles so it dosn't like bad but if i do that then reworking a part is kinda annoying so i decided to do that after the testers gave they're opinions on the parts, (like if i should rework em or smth)

so now a title/credits needs to be made which im also shit at

made start room separate from first part

so idk

somhow forgor to put start line

rly faily first time, maby just tele there

is something wrong here?

Fixed pointed out errors

unmark unsolo

and solo

u mean mark

but ye forgot that

added solo/unsolo mark

missing freeze


fixed my stupid errors

put some tele on third part

cool map, parts are somehow inspired by maps like Aim, Bizarre Untold and Bit but in an own kind of way. Nothing very special but a decent brutal map. While testing i found some things and a 100% fullskip with some kinda special setup

2-3* brutal

wait how thats kill tile

ohh startline

wow thx for critique

ok i will fix things tomorrow lol

i put two warning signs idk

im thinking ppl will spec first lol

i wanted it to be faily

but idk

yes aoe maps inspire me

but aalso maps like simple down so its kindof a cursed mix

gn map tomorrow

fixed big skip fixed keep sg fixed cheat part moved aled and closed top

added turn of entities signs

take care that you dont delete the unfreeze tile on the totele accidently^^

also mark the unfreeze tile above

ig idk

i think ppl often prefer it not to be marked but ig i will

oh shoot ur right

idk if u did but u also have to place time cps through the map

i did


idk rlly how they work but i just placed a line of them now and then

Yeah just from 1-x and should make sense. And shouldnt be skipable accidently

yep thats how i did it

added tele on sg part fixed solo added some unfreeze here and there

My brother made the skull thing

changed some design and adde credets and logo

map almost rdy for rls

be patient and wait for a tester, no need to spam

sick skull


u not even a tester and im not spamming so u can go leave this channel unless u can help

stop spam

this part has 2 ways, the second one i like more cuz it a bit harder, i think its a good idea to remove a first way

both tees have grenade this part can be passed as solo or without grenade with ur mate i like both ways

i like the map, have a good flow for me. Parts aren't new, but not so long and feels good, looks like baby aim but a bit harder cuz kill tiles is there and some fillers which not so safe.

About design, you should rework some elements like hookthrough, some sign moments and freeze.

forgot about teleporters, their color is almost the same as that of freeze, so it should be reworked

Big tester imperius

Glad that you also like the gameplay

ye thx for testing! i will go through and look at everything today if i can

Changed 1st part like imperius suggested reworked 3rd part Changed a part to be harder (Maybe too faily?) changed general tex lightness added back tele on drag down part and put more freeze on right put freeze tex behind all unhook and hook tex changed hookthrough hue lightness and alpha

oh also changed tele alpha and freeze alpha, so they are easier to see next to eachother

map preview broken nvm

still easy

now the design looks much better than it was

I would say its not a big deal as its somwhat faily so i think ppl will fly over

if they decide to go in the tele its not a big deal

plus for speed runners i would say its a cool skip cuz they can do vertical aled and then speed up there and then go right from there

Hello!, well I have decided to reject this map since it contains many repetitive movements (the same edgehooks over and over again) there is no creativity regarding this, that is, it does not add anything new, it is more like a baby aim mixed with some brutals from the same saga that makes the map totally unbalanced, I have also noticed certain similarities of parts of maps such as simple down and depressed (I or II i dont remember exactly. however I have to emphasize that the map is not badly done so congratulations on that point. Pls keep it on mapping and for any question do it on
#mapping#questionsand read
#📌infogl on the next one 😄






I was really putting my hope into this

I can't seem to be creative enough, I put all of my effort into this waste of time

I really thought this could make the cut

But I guess looking back at it, it's not as good as fucking aincrad or some shit



Maybe I'll get motivation to make another :)

In two years


i like mapping.. i just cant seem to come up with parts

ill sit there for like an hour straight trying to think of a creative part

and i still cant

Be patient every part comes with time, at least you mapped decently to be the first one

Your map is much better than my first one, which was also declined. Experience comes with time. I also remaped half of aincrad when i get in mapping a bit better because the parts were terrible. Also, this map took me over a year, spending several hours and sometimes days on every part. So don't lose your motivation! It's not a waste of time, you got experience and feedback. I'm sure your next map will be much better.


I guess ill just wait for motivation and then make another