this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Za duży rozmiar mapy


to juz zmiejsze

do jakiego rozmiaru maxymalnie zmiejszyc


the less possible


jesli zmiejsze rozmiar

to cos jeszcze


Different corner patterns all over the map

most of the parts are one hooks

for example

The gameplay doesn't match the difficulty level

spikes are unnecessary (they don't match the map, and map difficulty level)

I would remove the spikes, improve the corners, balance the parts and make it a novice map


design is simple and cool

im changing it to novice

speak english pls

i updated some things

Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).

things changed

Tested map, imo it has too many unnecessary running, most parts are not interesting to play and are unbalanced. Design looks fine (even though there is like 4-5 same map styles in testing) but file size is too big

Its his first map

I would describe each problem in detail to make it better understood

there was real spike but mapper deleted tiles and there is kill tiles left

go on, im not going to do that, my explanation was enough imo

I'll just talk to him

Added undeep and more hooks levels, and deleted killtiles

i can do this file size

i cant do lower

edit not used tiles from mapres out


new file

Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).

oh wrong

wait repairing

Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).

I haven't finished testing it yet

if someone get in corner

he will fall

I know, but you're not using speedup tiles to show it.

Difficulty Level:Novice 4 ~ Moderate 2 This span of difficulty is unacceptable, please try to change the some part


or create a new map from scratch

How to delete this map?



only tester can decline maps
