this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules


I can't even spawn

it's too tight

and even 1 tee is blocking

edit all your 'oldschool' maps so that they can be played

can any of the oldschool players confirm that these maps were online? i don't know any of their maps.


Ill have a look when im at home in 20 mins

oklahoman is one of the first players i know and we were in the same clan back then, so i would trust him at this point

the map seems familiar but i cant tell if i have seen it before, Couldnt find an old version too. Was it maybe called another name?
I dont know anything about russian maps

its not russian map lol

oklahoman is german

no hes oklahoman



its looks like a russian server map never seen these maps maybe 1 of them on the teeworlds forum

sMu was a PvP clan, idk where these maps were hosted but except skyworld i remember them


$decline no progress