this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

design 10/10

i cant play the map whit 60 fps if i turn off entities


he's sad he can't find the corners

i think there is something called HD

fking dumbass

do u want me to say it whit fking apples



where are the apples you promised

what apples I want one

maps epic, i can count the number of people that can finish this in 1 hand

sry ur right, coke said as well

fixed skips, ty coke and papota


@pipou_tw...I did more than find corners

That's good ! Keep going

fixed skips, ty fimp

more intuitive hook

fix spawn

very cool map

map way too faily but its really worth fixing

fixed skips and made some parts better to play, ty iku and gorden

Design-wise, the map is dark and it's hard to see the unhookable properly

You could make it lighter

It could bit a little darker, that's just an example (I decreased the values by 10, starting from the bamboo's color)

If you were to change the background color, change the front bamboos' color too

We all agree the map is too punishing as it currently is

Either make it shorter or add teleport on obvious dangerous parts

Furthermore, as I already told you, it's far from good to have the dummy finish the map instead of the main tee

I like the ending, you could keep it as a part and add a real end afterward where you must sacrifice your dummy


My eyes 👨🏼🦽


maybe start testing gameplay before design

so we dont get another cts or pataros 2

what was wrong with those maps

both are really unejoyable

sub par maps

oh i see

yeah id say this map is unenjoyable but it looks cool lol

and ive heard it from a lot of people who played/finished the maps

its unejoyable cuz every part is 1st try

but the parts themselfs are really creative



The gameplay was tested

Since the many fixes, the parts are great and there is nothing to change about them for now

The only problem is that it's too easy to fail difficult hooks or such

That's why I suggested to either make it shorter or add teleport to the map

I wouldn't change the parts, only make them not deadly

i agree completely, tele will make the map better for ~5 or so parts

I wouldn't ask somebody to edit the design if the gameplay was shit and doomed to be declined

but i am reluctant change this, i struggle to rework last part without making it worse

That map is too great not to be released, we just need to find a good compromise

the player can play as dummy, no ?

You could keep it as a part so you have to send your dummy up, go somewhere and catch him for example

then, you go to the finish line

i am testing this currently


fix skips, ty tatak, HR.嗜血, fimp

edit tileset

fix skip, ty liesus

fix skips, remove fails, ty paradise and iku

new finish, ty ravie and pipou for suggestions

a fully desaturated grey doesn't look very good as the deep tiles color IMO, it's easy to see for sure but if you could find another color to use there that fits with everything else that might be good. just my opinion though, up to you

adjust deep color ty

and fix finish cheats, ty skystrife

fix skip, ty fimp

no further changes are planned


tweak some parts, ty tatak, skystrife, nehr


design bug

dont edge and its ok

dunno if it's intended but you can do that

yes intended

fix skip, ty fimp

fix tp7

add part

make some parts more comfortable

small fixes

Talked to the mapper in-game

To sum up: either he splits the map in 2 or 3 or he adds teleport to the map

Otherwise it's a decline


now with 200% tele

edit parts

overall map is rly good and hard, with cool part first part is blocking the player from playing the map, having an hard part with pixel hook for first part, and need a setup for the part, it's kinda boring to start with this part, if it is easier in some way it could be better. btw be carefull, currently most of the dummy map are being cheated , here you can skip the deep, with a dummy fly in the one tile and cheat all the map with 2 player undeep

i saw tatak play many time this part and complaining, then i tried to test it on 2 different session of testing and it never work 100% but it is a good idea. blue : many time, the dummy fall on wall, and even with big speed, he goes on edge and it's not fail but bad purple : finaly fummy wall, but if you dont hook on the corner, you can't go right wall and hammer the dummy red : it's a bounce hammer, good idea, but here it suck it depend on the speed of the swing (wich depend on press when you swing), + it's first try or fail green : you did the hammer bounce, but now what ? all the time I hit the roof, when i dont hit i have a bad speed, the good way i find it to restart the swing from the beginning, and it lose all the flow of the part wich is really cool if you fix problems.

red : same thing i said ealier, when you swing with a one tile and a wall next to it purple : i didn't try it a lot, because i already saw tatak and you play it, but it's some annoying part, there is difficulty, but not that much, it's more like doing perfect setup and it's annoying (that was the type of "hammer part" i was talking about)


i forgot the 2 video

this jump happend too easily

the cheat is kinda hard and failly but i prefere that than the part