this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

u srsly should test your map before u post it

disabling hammer here is unnecessary and spams chat, also when u throw up deepdummy into undeep there is a chance it will touch shields, therefore kinda fkin up the part and also the switches are weird, way too long and they will definitely interfere in t0 in a bad way

again weirdly timed switches and they will interfere in t0 and there is a shield spam (just like at many other places in the map)

both can go up here cause the one with nade can throw up the other and get up himself with nade therefore skipping the upcoming part completely

badly mapped cause dummy can still fall on edges of blocks and part almost impossible cause of tele below

aside from the gameplay, the design is generally really flawed, many bugs, things that just look bad, many unused or double used images in the editor, unmarked stuff like tele and so on

the parts themselves are also mostly plain, not that special and badly/weirdly mapped

I dont really think u will manage to fix all of this stuff all over the map including all the design mistakes so i would recommend you to start over, make a new map and take the advice from this one


do you think that all parts are bad?

Cuz I test the map with him and some parts are good

No, I don't think every single part is bad but the amount of badly mapped things overweighed the amount of good things too much

I can provide you with a list of the parts I think are decent and fit into a polished and reworked map in a few min

these were the parts that can be reused in a new polished map (if changed) because trying to fix the map probably wont be enough so i recommend u to take these parts, polish them and put them into a new (well-mapped) map

nullptr part xd

yes xd

waiting the mapper for fixing all the stuffs mentioned, wasn't necessary?


Hi, i want to thanks for the feedback. To be the first thing that i mapped i think mostly of the parts were good but others weird, so it doesn't bother me had to fix most the things

If the map got declined and you manage somehow to fix it before it gets deleted, u still can submit it there so it can get a reset. But imo, i think starting on a new one with more experience after this one and keeping the cool parts would be better, as again, it would take too much time to fix. Simply starting new one is better because pretty sure you can do better as you getting more experience and you can see what is good and what is bad after some feedback, and Knuski there did well imo.

how much time i have before gets deleted?

Channel gets deleted after 5 days of inactivity

But you can just upload to
#📬submit-mapswhen the channel is gone

okay thanks