decline because mapper is racist

dont troll

when getspeed 4


ur design sucks

otherwise idk

map looks ok, ill test later

tbh i think he just uploaded it to show a weird skip, there are alternative unsolo tiles in a suspicious spot

ah ye

its just a fun room lmfao

the soom at spawn?


"fun room"

no u can startline skip

i dont add cheats to my Maps on purpose

just put a solo in the freeze




just add some solo tiles

u guys know nothing about tw physics

does it matter?

there are stoppers inside that unsolo


u cant get out of it



but it's still suspicous

wtf it doesnt show stoppers on the map preview

its not

but i dont think konsti would add skips on his own maps knowingly

konsti already uploaded an "oldschool" map, which was a map from him. he pretended that it was an old map he found

thats a complete different thing

well i mean you are not taking the mapping rules serious

not even if you mapped it by yourself

ur talking dumb trash

how can we trust u?

by u stop talking bullshit

The Stereotype 6 thing was a dumb troll by me and Starkiller and planned as joke. It wasnt actually injuring mapping rules

You can just add solo tiles to make sure it's not a skip

or a start line

Make it longer pls

it is not a skip, if u werent afk the last years u would know that i always add special rooms and easter eggs but never a cheat on purpose

nice contrast, like how its look like


that's a weird reason, because konsti changed his opinion about the map (why would he upload it otherwise?)

i didnt change my opinion

Can you add an explanation about why you declined it and what could be done better? Tbh i think short novice maps are great for ddnet. Zoomers need quick rewards. We also need novice maps, so i don't understand why you would decline this.

you can check the link for reasons

the reason was that i asked for decline back then

I did small changes tho

So how to make a novice map which is not "very standard" or "nothing special"? That were the reasons i found and for me that is not really solid, if you want to decline a map.

Like any novice map is "very standard" and "nothing special", because that's how novice maps work.

u cant make creative novice maps because then nobos wont understand it

maybe just decline every novice map here because "very standard" and "nothing special"

shut down novice testing

jao didnt gave reasons back then except he agrees with me and quotes himself now xD

well there are "reasons" in the map thread from 2017

I'd decline it just because of the stars xD

I mean yes you are kinda limited on easy maps but come on

Thats how easy maps work

tux you just showed a novice part and blamed it for being a novice part, idk what your point is

did you know that we don't have many actually easy maps?

have you tried showing this game to a friend and playing some novice maps?

newbies cant even get up a wall that is more than jump height