Design improved

I upload tomorow a video of whole map (if someone can tell me how make mp4 from demo


If you would have kept the style of the first 3 parts it would have been a good map, sucks when suddenly you get 3 jumps and it feels like the other 60% of the map is just 1 part, no startline and 3jumps tile messed up

What do you mean by no startline ?

Hmm thanks for your view, I 'll wait another player and testers views.Then I 'll see if i keep it or I rework it

What do you unlike on 2 dj parts ?

Startline and finish line is missing + 2jump tile is messed up aka doesnt work

Ah okay I 'll check it thanks

I agree with you first and mid + end like diffirent map cause of gameplay

I'm right now working to remove dj parts with same style as start, and i 'll later maybe create a map only for these parts

Hum, I don't find tilejump buggy can you show me please ?

Hey!Very nice map!This will be the first time,when I'm testing, I'll try to help.

Thanks, I'm glad to be your first haha

I deleted front tile before posting it and then I forgot to add back stopper here, thanks 😃

I can't upload it right now, I'll do it tomorow


the switch 3jump after 3rd part removes your jumps completely

you cant even jump anymore

-Front bugs & freeze on tele done

-startline, endline & switch jump bug done

Thanks to Brokecdx- & Ciniminix

-New version, 3 jumps parts are deleted like Broke told me. Add 2 parts, it isn't finish yet

forgot this part

i'm not sure about the last one

its cool tho

About walk on dummy head ?


Hum, maybe could be accept on dummy 5*

Yea mayb

But ur map looks insane tho

gud work


I finish last part in 30 min i guess, maybe the end is not so far from gay parts haha

-New version of Rave

Is it better for you ?

i think you need to change end definitely ! Example like in
@Im 'corneummap simular idea with hammer ( i think was ) changed to grenade ( a lot better ) if i correctly remember

whole part ? with stoppers ?

Or only the end where you need to head tower

I think you missed an 'i' in the map's name

@RavieI forgot to tell us, the map is dedicated to you

-Make the part "walking on dummy head" unfaily & change the flow of 5th part. Thanks to archimede67 & Qed

The part where you take speed on dummy and put him on kill tile edge is scary

Idk if it's 100% but just looks gay (without trying it)

It's the "333" demo

I don't rly like this part neither tbh

You don't like cause of kill or all the part ?

It's almost easy but i can add tele and remove kill

Yea that would be better i think ^^

2nd part is big flow destroyer

Hum how can i fix it while keeping the similar way ?

add speedup to get him more left

Hum, yea why not

I wait to know another views and I'll see if it change the flow of 2nd part
@Brokecdx-and the kill to a tele
Cool gameplay as far as I tested

@tux, I go look and fix all theses bugs. About gameplay, what are your feeling about flow of 2nd part and kill tiles on 4th parts ?

Look around whole map for freezeedge and all unhook bugs, a lot of small bugs fixed, add 2 layers on embeded. Thanks to Tux

Flow at second part? 🤔 Kill tiles at fourth part are ok I guess, the single one at the third part was more dangerous for me

Yea i speak about this kill


Bug on tiles image fixed, Thanks to Tux

Removed my own mapres to avoid little buggy white line when you zoom on block ( Then some Unhook tiles has disapear)

also timecps must be unskipable

Thanks for your test Kicker, I 'am here at 19h

I didn't add speeder ( I don't like it) I added a stopper then you need to hammer dummy but without a hook, now the flow is okay for this part I guess. I didn't change the headwalk part because I need to see if I can keep that part. I can make it impossible to fail and fast retry ( I need to speak with you about that) I added 2nd ht like you said but I added 1 tile freeze to make it a bit harder and I changed a bit the flow of this part ( now it's better and more smooth) I moved the timecp, and I didn't find which timecp are skipable. And for the last part, I wait you

Changed the part where you need to "surf" on your dummy

Changed all end parts from grenade part

The real end isn't finish yet almost 1/3 of the map is different now

I could upload demo if you need, just ask

Rework finished

@Firewaveso much bugs xd

I would have tested gameplay too, but I cannot play hard maps. So sorry

Thanks for all these bugs, I reworked so much the map and then I forgot lot of bugs. I'll fix them

1 sec freeze is only to add more flow (you wait 1 sec until 3 sec)

For gameplay, I need views of lot of players. I can rework the map to make it almost unfaily but It destroy the goal of the map then I don't know

ask 4-5* dummy map players since noobs like me would not even try to finish this map anyway

imma try to play it

but i'm not sure to be good enough

the goal is to make the map both enjoyable and challenging for pro players. It's very hard x)

sometimes a map is challenging but not enjoyable at all cuz too hard

Hum, I see

But tele are easy way to make maps easier

I don't like it

I did it short specialy because it's hard and faily

Then you restart really often and you are able to do part easy after some runs

All bugs fixed (Thanks to skua)

huge load of entities bugs, really precise moves required and very punishing to me it doesnt look like you care too much about your map but if thats not true you could start by fixing all the entities bugs

I didn't see all these entities bugs, I 'll check it thanks

And we already released map in this style, precise moves & punishing parts, but however short (Mia)

I can try to make it less punishing but I want a map in this style and it's a choice to make it really precise

Legacy kinda is too


Agree with others, much too punishing and full of bugs. I don't think it's releasable without a rework

Bugs fixed

I'll rework the map, I'll try to let these precises moves with unfaily/ less faily way


repost it in
#📬submit-mapswhen the rework is done