this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

some parts are pretty cool, a bit too faily imo

(especially the end)

I wanted it to be.)

no u

i agree, it would be 100% better and cooler if it wasnt faily



this part is really inconstant compare to the first ones, idk if i dont know the spot or what but what i did (1)is do an edge and then jump so when i fell i hit the corner and then i have jump...i dont know if this is intended or what (i doubt it). imo u should do something from the edge(2) and then when you jump hit the wall and waste dj so you can be edge when you fall

also the last part in general shouldn't be faily


sometimes u get too much speed and its annoying to redo the whole part just for that

imo the last part should have no matter what tele in every edge, or do like 3 edges only


Even if it is possible, it is very risky.

interesting map

its nice to speedrun


Ths for the test

why not put some stars and a moon at least? the bg looks off af

if not you can down the unhookable from the left where the cp 7


- I found the use of teleports very inconsistent, a lot of the times it's down to luck where you fall and if you die or not.
- I'm not a fan of long unpredictable parts
- Some parts feel unbalanced.
- Hook blockers can just be unhookable. Quite a lot of changes will be needed to make this map releasable but I do see potential.

it's better to leave a change log when you post updated version. For the map testers It will be easier to see which parts/tiles were updated


Just send a message with the file saying what changed :D

Doesn’t have to be very specific something like “improved part with tele 7” or “fixed some corners” is enough

2 random small changes is not enough to fix the whole map



the last part is larger than the other parts of the map

You uploaded The map with the pictures so you must have to upload it again


i was seeing
@Ravie's picture and u didnt change almost anything about the awkward movements and annoying parts, pls check it again and try something different on those parts

1.- You should remove 1 or 2 tles of freeze here 2.- make that hookable, its really uncomfortable to do the part correctly

tele pls

generally i'd say you should follow rule of "if one section of a part is un-faily, the whole part should be generally unfaily"

also is it just me or do some of these freezejumps not work 50% of the time even with the setup

cant u put normal unhook instead of hook block

perhaps u could find a "setup" jump for these? theyre kinda random and especially bad for people with bad keyboards

that shotgun onto the red part seems a bit off, i'd move it a few blocks to the right

idk if this is intended but u dont need any sort of swing for this

it seems like swing is wanted based on the placement of the hookthroughs around that 2x2 hookable

put shotgun over block, its easy to miss it and be like "wtf how do i do this part"

the ending of the map is a lot better now

and design is clean :)

^ just make sure to put stuff in high detail


Still on waiting

reupload the map

next make map no u

those clouds are on group 4

i agree with louis, maybe you should try deep, i think it gives u more probability of freeze jump

i have been saying this for a while but seems he doesn't want to change it


mappers racing to make a map for every letter in the alphabet

You are reading my mind

did u tried deep on the setup jump?

didn't quite understand what you wanted to say

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o2o9Fv6RM8 look this at second 10 and u will know what im talking boout

Why I need to put deep if the player who goes wrong falls in the tele?

read this


on every freeze jump not on a single one

its just to have a better chance to get the PARTSSSSSS done

and b-t-w still the same problem


If you are talking about a jump, then I don’t understand what is problematic in it.


not that

okey 1 sec

I hope that everything is in order there, and I will not have to fix it again. But I have a feeling that you will find something again.

minor change

this one above I have no idea if they are bugs

and here

comparing start line to finishline then start line have corner bugs

Corners fixed

This is impossible because the speed will be too high and the player will not have time to move to the right far enough to make a part

Okay it's possible

when i was telling you about a setup i meant this

but idk

if u want to do this, try an angle of 25 or lower

after fixing those points might be ready imo

it looks like this map forgotten

$waiting tester

Never release

It's a requiem!

i mean that swing should be follow by something else, but the part would be longer so instead of adding more (new part or whatever) just put more freeze so it feels like the part its real done you know what im trying to say?

forget it, would be the same as next part...

I don't see a noticeable improvement to my points from before so I've decided it's better to just decline this map

