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the parts are way too tight and a lot of them are really repetative

the gameplay is not**** really fun or interesting

but the map is quite charming in a goofy way

oh i forgot to map the rat room


anyway what do you mean fun or interesting


xd sry

sooo is there any problem other than the fact it's boring

make larger spaces in general

so its not so claustrophobic


if i do that will it have more chance to get released

well all of the parts would have to be replaced

since this is basically 2015 gameplay

"not up to todays standards" as testers would probably say

oh ok

I can tell u just by seeing the preview this is not releasable

Looks like ddmax mapping

okay gonna try to make a better map next time

but what does that mean

Look at maps that are getting released nowadays

At their structure, length of parts, free space in parts ( u won't hit roof when u jump while doing parts) etc...

You want to avoid making part uncomfortable to do especially on novice, they should be easy and not confusing to do


thank you

Also avoid long unnecessary parts and try to make transitions good


nice one )