this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Map :lady_beetle: :

With that size you don't need time cps.

use time cps to mark which part it is

Random corner at the start.

did you really took original linear and made this? xD

did you ask
@louis.placeif you can take the design from linear for your map?

With a similar name. Haha

i dont really mind if you take the design or other ideas but it's always good to change it a little and add your own creativity into it

there is not much to say about this, since it's very short right now the map concept does not really make sense to me, everything looks stolen and the design is worse than on linear in some aspects please come up with something more creative and think about what type of gameplay feels good, i suggest to play the recent novice maps. the grenade parts looks like a kobra 2 part, you shouldn't copy from that map (it's outdated) you can always ask questions about which novice maps are good in
#generalor ask about mapping in
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