"A Strange Dream" by SUKA

I didn't played the map but put " think first " and then explain the part looks pretty stupid but it can be false I don't see the whole part

usually lamps aren't in front of tees

This part is pretty faily

what he means is that one of the markings is reduntant

you don't need to think if u explain how to do it

Hu what I said wasn't clear ?

colors are not that good, grass_main is really dark while killtiles are on full brightness

unhook is also too bright compared to grass

I just wanted to use smth unusual. But this is not the best possible unhook construction

unique != good :D

Lamps should not be in front of game layer. I did not pay attention for that


Changed colors Added entities off sign Removed "Think first" sign Lamps layer moved to behind of game layer

Remapped most of weird unhook constructions


Entity bugs

remove kill tiles

u can ship this everything, u have to change the part in the green rectangle or add team force

I agree with you. I will remap these parts

u have to fall from the highest point or u r dead

i didnt know if i should have reported it tho

I can move this wall 1 tile up

than it wouldnt change the physics of the falling?

If you jump high enough, you will not die

then make a marking of where the tee should aim on jumping

this is VERY easy solo, maybe make it not soloable it is a brutal after all

In my opinion most parts are too plain, you have plenty of room to make them more interesting like here:

otherwise i think its a solid foundation

ah and btw map isnt brutal, moderate 4-5


But the map "First Try" is brutal 4*. I thought my map should be brutal too because of killtiles

kill tiles doesnt make ur map harder, you can replace them with freeze tiles and get almost same result + many kill tiles in ur map is more like decoration

- first try is rly old map, back then maybe it was brutal 4, but not for now ofc, many maps on ddnet like this

i agree this is not brutal


I will remap boring parts soon

then there is no need to move the channel away

$rate balance=3 flow=6 creativity=4 playability=7 fun=1 design=0

explain balance


I can fix it at weekend

It varies between novice - moderate - brutal, i think all parts need a complete rework

Send me some screenshots

Do you mean the length of parts?

In my opinion all the parts are hard enough

but I'm not able to find any novice

All these parts was already remapped

I will post new version later

maybe in 1-2 days


with double hammer throw?

or speedfly

some time has passed.. no new version?

I need more time. Like 1-1.5 months



so what's the current state of this one?



not need speed to pass noobfilter

very nice map!



fixed design bugs

could you upload with correct name

more spawns

logo is weird lol, "A" is an article why is it on its own row

why This is solo

If I set 5 spawns instead of 2 this will be enough?

design looks like a poor attempt to copy Grim Reaper

but in none of these an article is on a single line

night theme + moon != grim reaper
and yes 5 spawns should be enough

crescent moon + lamps + same sky color

also little lights on lamps

just like reaper

tele should have transparency

not a poor copy then This map is
grim reaper

and you should use a seperate marking for forward tele

This is the only good sky color imo xD
there are undeniable resemblances to Grim Reaper though

We didn't copy any design ideas.

wouldn't be the first time reevie copies something xd

nobody forbids you all to think so xD Maybe his nickname is a copy too Who knows xDDD


fixes all the things and some design bugs

fixed freeze under tele texture bug

fixed design bugs

remapped last hook in laser solo part

fixed entities bug at finish

You’re guys so toxic, lol

Unbelievable, I thought the community in this game is unusual friendly

It was the moment when he knew

he even don't know what grim reaper is...design on grim reaper not unique, similar design have a lot of maps

it just generic_unhookable + default kill spikes with lamps lol

NO U KICKER!!!!!!! Ravie has a patent for this design! NO U



Opa! Gruppa podderjki podletela : D

do you realize that copying designs (and without giving credit) is not exactly nice either? 👍🏻

cmon, how is this grim reaper? this design here isn’t special at all, grim reapers is; the unhooks are mapped completely different, the things that make grim reaper unique are gears, its style and flies imo, don’t get me wrong, grim reaper still looks much better and got a really nice atmosphere, but this is really not that much of a copy..

Totally agree with u, cuz there are many similar designs in tw

Mine isn’t especial, it’s just the SKIN of the skeletal structure


Your words guys are not even criticism

You both, but freezestyler

lol do we really have to explain why ripping off others work without at least giving credits is bad? you should be old enough to have a basic understanding of morals..

the only thing that you could consider as copied is the background color, all others stuff is basic with basic colors (except for the crescent moon, but it’s in common use recently anyways) and i am sure that the background doesn’t use exactly the same values either

maybe you should start by explaining, why you are calling this a rip-off

I didn't

but he can't act all innocent and cry about someone suspecting that he ripped something off when he multiple times did it in the past

still same background color, same lamps, crescent moon. Even if one of those things on it's own isn't exactly like Reaper there's still too many similarities to be accidental

Prosto smeshno ot daunov

english and stop insulting

Where insult

in rus

this is so ridiculous

go jao

You forgot to mention these iNvEnTiOnS you made in grim reaper:

Thank you Ravie for great design ideas. We copied all the things. Feel free to add "Design by Ravie" and "Map by Ravie" in this map

And also add "Thanks to Ravie" near the finishline

There's no need to be

I'm just saying it looks a lot like Grim Reaper

Don't be shy

It doesn't 'look like', it's just grim reaper brutal version We copied all the things, yes

So you can also add a link to paypal so people can say thank you for your great job

kinda hilarious that you make fun of it while reevie literally copied so many designs in the past xd

but focus on the map now

instead of wasting everyone's time

2 map designes

copied so many designes

By the way you both started this discuss and now you’re saying “stop it”


omg why is this so random buggy shit

this is not random

you wanna demo of this?


or come show me

if u r free


jesus's part is now easier

"This is not random"

"Part now easier"

its not random for me because I mapped it

and this part is not well known

making it hard is bad I think

because Jesus cannot do it


if even god not able to do it

minor fixes

easier noobfilter


changed annoying part (tp 10) added chill/fun/blocking room (tp 32) changed part after laser solo (tp 31)

This map really good. And last one, some parts have so much free space try to fix that.

I don't want to make this map more tightly packed. There is nothing wrong with free space

if you think that something is 'useless' or skipable, I say 'no, this is just another way to play the part'

Didn’t like THAT much free space at end too



Fixed unmarked CP

minor improvements in 2 parts

less faily more fun to play

fun as tee swap ?


it's not ok to map 24/7. You can (already) become crazy and spam your teeswap feature everywhere in all dc channels. Take a break


if map is good , you can enjoy it . For me fun is too try too understand a part if i dont get how its works and i see that almost all new maps that are posting here in discord are them ! Also i love that there is no same map as other map created by other player , all maps are very different ! Most of creators i like is
@Im 'corneumlike he creates a map always different then his previous map and he steal keeps create somethink new all the time ! Hope this map is interesting and fun to play to ! Hope it will be released too


Even if it's fun

U should try to think a bit less about it

last part has been remapped

rls tomarraw





when release?


My map is blu, worth releasing



what's blu?

should I rework something or it's good now?

haven't checked latest version..


Am I blacklisted since I spammed BLU BLU IMA BLU



please unban me jao please unban me jao please unban me jao please unban me jao

hlep help